Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
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Final Fantasy VI FAQ

Can you save/resurrect character x? Is it really possible to get item y? What's the best way to get rid of boss z? That's right: these example questions are completely generic because we're using a common template for this introduction. But the point still stands that there are some questions about Final Fantasy VI that get asked over, and over, and over again. Here, we attempt to answer them for you.

If you think we've missed something here that we really should add, please let us know in the FAQ topic in the Final Fantasy VI forum.


Questions and Answers

Where are the eight dragons located?

Dirt Dragon - Opera House
Storm Dragon - Mt. Zozo
Ice Dragon - Narshe Snowfields
Blue Dragon - Ancient Castle
Red Dragon - Phoenix Cave
White Dragon - Fanatics' Tower
Gold Dragon - Kefka's Tower
Skull Dragon - Kefka's Tower

Question submitted by Neal
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How can I fight the blue dragon/change Odin to Raiden?

To fight the Blue Dragon, stand in front of the right throne in the ancient castle and take five steps south. You should be standing on the third set of stairs from the throne. If you hit the confirm button, you'll hear a noise. Head to the right, where the Queen's diary was, and there will be a new set of stairs. If you go down the stairs, you can fight the Blue Dragon, and also convert your Odin magicite to Raiden. Be warned, though, that you cannot change Raiden back to Odin.

Question submitted by Neal
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OK, then, fine. How do I get to the Ancient Castle?

In the World of Ruin, take Figaro Castle for a ride under the sand, either from Figaro or Kohlingen. About halfway through the trip, the castle will stop and the castle engineer will mention that it's as though they've bumped into something. Choose the option Stop and Explore and head to the prison. In the far right cell, a new door will have opened, leading to a path that will take you to the Ancient Castle.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I attack four times like General Leo?

You need the Offering Relic, which can be obtained by defeating KatanaSoul, a Monster-in-a-box in the Ancient Castle. If you want an even deadlier combination, equip the Offering along with the Genji Glove to attack eight times in one turn.

Question submitted by Neal
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Is there any way to revive General Leo? Maybe I could just take the Offering off his corpse.

Though the CoN's rumor mill may suggest other, General Leo cannot be revived without the use of a cheating device, and even then, there's no sequence that says he's been revived. The game has just been altered to let him into your party.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I face the Hidon?

In order to face the Hidon, Relm and Strago must be in your active party at a time when you enter Thamasa. Relm will comment that it's good to be back, and run off. She'll then come back and tell Strago that an old friend of his, Gungho, has been injured. Gungho will explain to Strago that when he tried to fight their old nemesis, Hidon, he was injured. Strago decides to fight the Hidon.

On an island directly north of Thamasa lies Ebot's Rock, the cave where Hidon lives. Ebot's Rock consists of many different rooms with treasure chests that contain many pieces of coral. When you collect around twenty-five pieces of coral, move between the floors until you reach an area with one treasure chest that's blocking a path forward. Feed the coral to the chest (it must be fed to him all at once, not in intervals) and he'll move aside, opening the way to Hidon. Strago can learn a very powerful Lore, GrandTrain, from Hidon.

Question submitted by Neal
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What's an effective way of climbing the Fanatics' Tower?

One effective way of climbing the tower is to bring along Mog and equip the Moogle Charm. This will get rid of all random encounters that you might experience on the climb. Another way is to teach every party member Ultima and give them Economizers, though it takes much longer than the first method.

Question submitted by Neal
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OK, the Tower wasn't so bad... but now how do I defeat the MagiMaster?

The MagiMaster may seem easy, and he may be easy...until you defeat him. Upon his death, the MagiMaster will unleash a powerful Ultima blast that will decimate all but the highest-leveled characters. The best way to counter this is to cast Life 3 on every or even just one party member, which will revive them when they are downed by the Ultima. Another option would be to equip items that raise maximum HP, though these are not as concrete and safe as Life 3.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I get the Air Anchor?

Three ways to get the Air Anchor are as follows:
Bet a Genji Armor at the colloseum and defeat the Borras that follows.
Bet a Cursed Ring at the colloseum and defeat the Steroidite that follows.
Go to the Cult of Kefka Tower and enter the first treasure room. Stand to the right of the first treasure chest and hit the Confirm button. You'll hear a noise, and if you exit the room, you'll see another room one floor below. In that room is the Air Anchor.

Question submitted by Neal
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What does Cyan's 'Retort' SwdTech do?

Though it may look like Cyan's Retort skill does nothing, he will use a powerful counterattack when he is attacked. This skill is especially useful against the commander that attacks Doma Castle when you can first control Cyan.

Question submitted by Neal
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How do I get Gogo?

To get Gogo, you must be in the World of Ruin. Climb in the airship and head to a small triangle-shaped island in the northeast region of the world map. Once there, get into a random encounter with a Zone Eater. This enemy uses the attack Engulf, and if he engulfs all four of your party members, you'll find yourself in a secret dungeon. Complete this dungeon and you'll find Gogo waiting for you at the end. Refer to the walkthrough for help with the dungeon.

Question submitted by MorgueN
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Who the devil is Gogo, anyway?

Gogo's a mimic. He/she can mimic in battle the last action used by a character, or, by going to Gogo's status screen, you can equip three battle commands from any you have access to - this includes Magic and Item, or, more spectacularly, special commands like Tools, Blitz, and Lore. While rumors persist that Gogo is an FF6 character brought back from the dead - Gestahl, Leo, or Daryl, for instance - it's far more likely that the mimic is the very same as from FF5.

Question submitted by R51
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How do I get the Bahamut esper?

To get the Bahamut esper, you must defeat Doom Gaze, who randomly attacks you as you fly around in the airship. Although he escapes, he doesn't recover his HP in between battles, so as long as you keep at it, he'll eventually go down. Make sure that you don't defeat him with instant-death spells or you won't receive Bahamut.

Question submitted by gozaru~
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Why does Magic disappear from the world? Why, then, does Terra stay?

There are many different theories to this. The most likely theory, from a perspective of plot, is that magic is tied to the three Statues: Goddess, Doom and Poltergiest. When Kefka moves them out of alignment he absorbs their power. Therefore he is an enity tied with the statues and magic. When Kefka is destroyed The Espers decide to leave the world taking magic with them. Terra is half-esper and her human half becomes full because her love is tied to the children of Mobliz.

Question submitted by MorgueN
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Is Shadow Relm's father?

Refer to the dream sequences for this. Evidence that suggests this is that Shadow did indeed have a child and a girlfriend in a town called Thama which bears an uncanny resemblance to Thamasa. How Shadow got there is another question. However, Shadow's dog Interceptor, normally intolerant of humans, takes a liking to Relm. If Shadow does die in the WoB, Relm will take his place in the Cave of the Veldt. Also in Thamasa references to Shadow being related to Relm will be made. Though the game never implicitly explains this, the inferences are enough to draw the conclusion. If you require something so blatant as an in-game revelation, go watch some TV or something.

Question submitted by MorgueN
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Does the Cursed Ring actually do anything helpful? Does it turn into a Paladin ring the way the Cursed Shield turns into a Paladin Shield? Where/How do I find one?

The Cursed Ring does NOT work the way the Cursed Shield does. It will forever stay Cursed and aside from being a way to learn X-Zone, there isn't much going for it. You can bet the Cursed Shield to get the Cursed Ring (not recommended), or you can use the Ragnarok esper in battle to transform a SrBehemoth as well as a few other monsters and have a chance at getting one.

Question submitted by TheEvilEye
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Where's this frightful dragon the people in the Cave on the Veldt were talking about? Is this one of the eight dragons?

Nope. It's really a mistranslation - the Japanese for dinosaur is roughly the same as dragon, so that's why you fight Tyranosaurs and the Brachosaurs in the forest there. It's really the same misunderstanding that led the earliest archeologists to exclaim that dinosaur fossils were the remnants of dragons who once walked the earth.

Question submitted by RoyalKnight
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This man at the auction keeps outbidding my party for the imp robots, model airships, and chocobos! How much do I need to win?

You can't buy them, even if you have more money than he bids. And by the way, you can not buy those model airships to rebuild the BlackJack. The item describes the scale of the airship, not the fact that it is a fraction of a real airship. And why would you need any of that stuff anyway?

Question submitted by RoyalKnight
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I can't beat Vargas! My Blitz never comes out! What do I do?

Often people get confused on when they're supposed to enter the blitz input, in this case, left-right-left. Scroll down to blitz, push the confirm button ONCE, then enter left, right, left. Then hit confirm again, and Sabin should unleash the blitz. As an aside, when you have to use a diagonal for a blitz, you can also use one of the two directions that make up that diagonal. Thus, if you have to hit down-left, say for Bum Rush, you can hit either down OR left instead and it will still work. This is very handy for those playing with a PSX pad or a keyboard.

Question submitted by RoyalKnight
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How do I beat Wrexsoul?

There are two methods of defeating Wrexsoul. The first is to kill your own party members and then attack Wrexsoul when he pops out. The second is to use X-Zone and hope that it takes both of his SoulSavers with it.

Question submitted by RoyalKnight
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What is/how do I get the Illumina Sword?

The Illumina Sword is the most powerful sword in the game. Along with giving major bonuses to many of your stats, it has a high attack value and randomly casts Pearl on its victims, and it will use some of your MP to increase physical damage. However, to get this legendary weapon, you must bet the Ragnarok Sword at the Colosseum.

Question submitted by RoyalKnight
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What is/how do I get the Break Blade?

The Break Blade is a sword that randomly casts Break on enemies. It can only be found in the MagiTek Research Facility in the room with all the broken test tubes, just before you meet Number 024. Search the test tube in the bottom left. Not a particularly powerful sword, but you can't get it anywhere else.

Question submitted by RoyalKnight
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How does the Atma Weapon work?

The damage it does is based upon your current HP. The higher the HP is of the person equipping it, the more damage it will do. The Valiant Knife is set up to work in the opposite way.

Question submitted by belhor
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I killed Hidon before learning Grand Train. How can I learn it now?

Go back to Ebot's Rock...he'll be there again.

Question submitted by 2Cold Scorpio
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Where is Shadow in the WoR?

He can first be found in the cave on the Veldt. After that, he will be in Thamasa for a time, but later you'll have to bet the Striker at the Colosseum to get him back in your party. If you found Relm in the cave on the Veldt, then you didn't wait for Shadow on the Floating Continent, and he's gone forever.

Question submitted by Mewmon
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If I found Shadow in the Cave on the Veldt, then where is Relm?

She'll be in Jidoor, deep within Owzer's House. (Man, Owzer is one ugly guy, isn't he? -R51)

Question submitted by Mewmon
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What are the Rage Ring and Blizzard Orb for?

Only Umaro can equip these relics. The Blizzard Orb gives him an attack called Storm that is randomly called during battles. The Rage Ring increases Umaro's attack power.

Question submitted by Mewmon
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What can I do with this Bone Club in my inventory?

Not much, really. Umaro already comes equipped with one, so you can't put it on him. Nobody else can use it. About all you can do is sell it for a good amount of Gil or bet it at the Colosseum for a Red Jacket.

Question submitted by Mewmon
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I'm missing a dance for Mog. Where do I get it?

There are two that are difficult to get. One is the Water Rondo. It's only available in the WoB, at the Lete River or Serpent Trench. The other is Snowman Jazz, available only in the Snowfields north of Narshe.

Question submitted by The Celestial
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It's been said that you could steal Ragnarok from Goddess and an Atma Weapon from Doom in Kefka's Tower. Is that right?

Close, but not quite. You'll get a Minerva and Safety Bit from them in Kefka's Tower. If you steal from the enemies at the top of Kefka's pillar in the final battle, though, you'll get them - Girl relinquishes the Ragnarok and Sleep Atma. Enjoy having them for that ONE battle you have left.

Question submitted by Master ZED
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How many Memento Rings are there?

Relm comes with one. You can get a second one in Strago's house, on a shelf in the top left corner of the top floor. You can steal another from WrexSoul. (Thanks, Master ZED, for the WrexSoul one.)

Question submitted by Mewmon
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Can I leave Kefka's Tower once I go in?

Yes, two ways: Either return to the beginning of the tower and use your action button to jump up and grab the rope as it approaches, or use Warp. Either way takes all three parties back to the airship. (Thanks, Ejoty for the Warp method. -R51)

Question submitted by Zephir
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Is there any way to get past MagiMaster without him using Ultima on you?

Sure, but it takes a while. Just Osmose him to 0 MP, and when he tries to cast Ultima, it will fail and he will die.

Question submitted by SilverMaduin
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How many dreams does Shadow have? How can I see them?

You can see the first four dreams in order at any inn, at any time, in the WoB OR WoR.

The fifth is automatic, and plays once you've got Shadow back in the WoR, as he sleeps in Thamasa. Hence, if you haven't seen any dreams in the WoB, you see the fifth one first. The sixth dream is Relm's, and comes in place of the fifth if you didn't save Shadow. So, you can never see all six in one game. There isn't a seventh, unless you count Cyan's dreamworld which, of course, has nothing to do with Shadow. Plus, the dreams do not affect Shadow's part of the game ending, or indeed any part.

Question submitted by Tiddles
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— Edited by Neal and R51
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

Note: this printable version may not contain the entire contents of the full version. In particular, web forms are removed, and any links you could check for further information on the given data are not shown. You may check the URL at the top of this document for the full and up-to-date version.
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.