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Gaming Industry News

Nintendo Announces Next Portable System - 3DS

Nintendo has announced the next in their line of DS handheld gaming - the Nintendo 3DS. Looking to capitalize on the newest visual sensation, the 3DS will use the motion detection of devices like the iPhone to render games in 3D without any sort of special glasses required. Not a whole lot is known, but the system will continue to have two screens (my first thought when seeing "3DS" was a third screen) and will be backwards-compatible with DS and DSi titles.


This seems like a gimmick at first, but as the article above mentions, Nintendo has always done things that seem goofy at first but typically turn out well in the end. I am skeptical that this will bring a whole lot of development to the DSi that wasn't there already, but if they make the system a full overhaul rather than just an update - meaning greater capability for larger, prettier games - it may bring more developers over. Gaming companies are a lot more creative than I think I like to give them credit for at first glance, and there could be some neat titles coming out for a system like this, but I fear that it's just going to spawn a whole lot of Brain-Age or "Find This" type of games that aren't meant for a generation of gamers that continues to get older.

We will see!

Source: Ars Technica
Posted in: Gaming Industry News
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Starcraft II Closed Beta Launches in February

Gaming mega-giant Activision Blizzard had a major news conference less than an hour ago. While most of it was a pissing contest (look at all the money Call of Duty and World of Warcraft are making!), there was one relevant blip for consumers: the highly anticipated Starcraft II will begin its worldwide closed beta "before the end of this month."

So you know what that means. Blizzard will be looking over thousands of gamers' shoulders as they try to find ways to nerf the new Zerg rush and find the right energy cost for an EMP and what have you. What's most important is that we'll finally have a way to play Starcraft II without going to Blizzcon.

Source: IncGamers
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Square Enix News Tidbits, No Hiatus

Final Fantasy XIII
Massive amount of Square Enix news tidbits this week, since I took a couple unplanned weeks off, there. Sorry about that, I know that all of you out there are dying to not comment on these posts.

As usual, most of the small news items you might have missed have to do with Final Fantasy XIII. You know, it's coming out in Japan next week and all. With regard specifically to the Japanese version, you might have missed the reveal of this game's Cid, with the surname of Raines. He's meant to be a general in one of the military factions in the plot; however, as is usual, he doesn't seem to have much traditional military look to him. You'll see him somewhere along the line in a game that is fifty-plus hours long, according to director Motumu Toriyama. And, as you may have noticed along the way, the official box art for the US and European versions of FFXIII was first published this week, too. To me, personally, it seems a bit too minimalist, but if you still had any doubts about seeing it for the Xbox 360, well, rest assured that this is not a fake.

With all that real game-type news out of the way, check out some of the goofy hype machine that's still working in support of the new flagship release. If you're in Japan, you can get the chance to smell like Lightning (the character, obviously, not the meteorological event). It's peachy! It's rosey! It's musky! It's over eighty bucks! Probably tough to import, too, as it's no doubt a flammable liquid. Over here, though, your goodies are a little less pricey and a little more useless. Thanks to all the people who tweeted about Final Fantasy XIII on Xbox (you're welcome - ugh), anyone who registers for it on will get, sometime this month, a free baby Chocobo for their Xbox Live avatar. Certainly cheaper than the pets you can buy; I'm sure it will go well with my University of Illinois hoodie just fine, though.

Now, let's move on, shall we? Despite the fact that Squenix is laying off again, in Europe, there are still new releases in other series coming soon. An unofficial Twitter announcment implies that Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep will in fact make it out of Japan, notwithstanding any rumbles to the contrary. Not only that, you'll also get to interact with Zack of the Final Fantasy VII universe. Does that get a fangirl squee out of anyone? Yeah, didn't really think so. Finally, on the Enix side of the house, note that a western release of Dragon Quest IX has just gotten a little closer to reality, now that the game's name has been trademarked in several languages for the European Union. Leave a slot in your DS for 2010 for a cooperative, customizable JRPG, it seems.

Again, apologies for missing a couple weeks. It probably will happen again pretty soon, given the holidays coming up, so if you feel like filling my shoes, go for it!

Source: Kotaku, SiliconEra, Go Nintendo
Posted in: Gaming Industry News
(2 Comments – Last by Kame)
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Rumors Are True: DSi LL on Its Way

Nintendo DS
Less than twenty-four hours since our last post, Nintendo has put rumors to rest and officially announced the DSi LL (or, if you're down with the flow, the DS ILL?). It's considerably larger than the DSi—obviously, of course, to account for the much larger screen— and will come in three new colors, a chocolate brown, wine red, and "natural" white, which in product-speak usually means some ivory tint that may or may not match the photos shown today.

Yesterday's rumor of the new screens having a larger maximum resolution has proven to be untrue, which is both a good and a bad thing. Of course, people like higher resolution, so it's sad to not have the chance at it; however, it also means that Nintendo can't possibly produce games that would be playable only on the DSi LL, as it is functionally the same machine as the DSi.

Nintendo appears to be presenting the DSi LL as a more robust personal media player than the current DSi; the theory is that applications like web browsing and media play should be easier with the larger screens. Beyond that "feature," they're sweetening the deal by including styli in two sizes, and putting three DSiWare games on the unit at the factory.

All in all, it's a big honkin' unit for a handheld, around two centimeters larger in length and width than the current DSi, and an even hundred grams heavier. If the thought of Final Fantasy IV or The World Ends With You on a screen with nearly double the real estate intrigues you, though, you can pick one up from Japan on 21 November for about $220, or in Europe sometime in Q1 2010. The North American release has not yet been announced, but it's still early here in the states and I expect that info to come out in just a few short hours, so keep an eye out here.

UPDATE: Nintendo has finally confirmed that it will arrive in North America at roughly the same time it does Europe.

Source: Kotaku
Posted in: Gaming Industry News
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New Nintendo DSi Coming to Japan?

Nintendo DS
The rumor from Japan today is that Nintendo is applying new planned obsolescence to their handhelds. With the DSi barely a year old, it appears that the big N is planning to drop a new version in Japan by year's end, with a screen more than 20% larger in diagonal.

It appears that this new 4" screen model will completely replace the current 3.25" model, with the intention of simply making the images larger for folks. The original news report from Japan rumors that the resolution of the screens might also increase, which could possibly make higher-res games possible on the system (but, of course, less workable for the older DSi and DS); however, this is not yet clear from the known information, so don't count on being forced into an upgrade in the near future.

Source: Engadget
Posted in: Gaming Industry News
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Friday Tokyo Tidbits

Tokyo Game Show
The Tokyo Game Show provided us with plenty of news to roll up into a ball for this Friday's tidbits; unsurprisingly, it's heavily weighted towards the new games dropping in the very near future. Sony announced a special Final Fantasy XIII bundle for PlayStation 3; it appears to be a creamy white with a screen print of Lightning on the top in a rosy shade that fades to white. Of course, this is only going to happen in Japan, so if you're one of those nutter Otakus and really need this kit, better get in line with your favorite importer now.

Squenix also brought a new trailer for Final Fantasy XIV to TGS this year. It features some fairly clumsy text in English, some strikingly pretty cutscenes, and a lot of people who one would assume to be player characters milling about and doing things that player characters do. It's pretty much exactly what you would expect from a Final Fantasy trailer in Tokyo.

If you needed any further proof that Square is craving the Yenjamins, Yoichi Wada made more news this week when he noted that a new billing model, creating a revised revenue stream for game manufacturers, will be the next big gaming innovation. Sure, I guess if motion control is now on the table for all the big players, why would there be more technological or creative innovation coming up? Let's pour all of our resources into brainstorming the cash flow, eh, boys? I kid, a bit; while microtransactions and handling of digital distribution will be critical for the next decade of console gaming, it does seem a bit harsh to make that the priority, in my opinion.

Also, hot on the heels of Final Fantasy Tactics in the US, another PlayStation One-era Final Fantasy has launched for the Japanese PlayStation Network. For those of you who immediately hoped it involved a protagonist with a tail, sorry—it seems Square is going in order and giving the Japanese gamer Final Fantasy VIII first. There's been no announcement as to whether the game will eventually make it to any Western PSNs, but I would say that this release lays the groundwork for both that to happen sometime in 2010, as well as for Final Fantasy IX to follow soon after.

Finally, my favorite news tidbit of the week, detailing an unlikely partnership; Square-Enix is doing a puzzle RPG, a la Puzzle Quest. And, if you were going to do a puzzle game, and you had the resources of Square-Enix, with whom would you make this game? Yeah, that's right, PopCap. The creators of smash casual games for a decade now, most recently the tremendously successful Plants vs. Zombies, are bringing the mechanics of Bejeweled Twist to Square's Gyromancer, where they'll be connected to a good versus evil battle punctuated by spinning jewels on a board. Not only does this sound like a pretty clever idea in theory, it makes me smile because now the company I work for has something in common with the big daddy—connections with PopCap. It's almost like I have a direct line to Wada-san now, you see?

Source: Kotaku, IGN, Feed Your Console
Posted in: Gaming Industry News
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Caves of Narshe Version 6
©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

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All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.