CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger

Key Items

The Oxyale is used to breathe underwater, and is necessary if you wish to travel to the Sunken Shrine (which, by the way, you do). It flows freely from the spring in Gaia, but only the Fairy can get it for you. Unfortunately, the Fairy has been kidnapped by a pirate and sold to the Caravan; buy her back if you want the Oxyale (and, if we must say it again, you do).
Fairy at Gaia
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy I
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.