CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Stop grinning at me! (The Top 10 emote-rs)

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 R51  25152 "Gerad: We're gonna. ^_^"
2 Nealio  7693 "Apparently one of Florida's counties has its own dictionary. >_>"
3 Salamando  4514 "I'd rather call 'em guinea pigs, anyway. ;) I was always terrible with someone else, someone was
talkin about rabbits needing some kinda medication..."
4 Elena99  3937 "I'm just kidding too ^-^"
5 Sabin  2950 "Zero apparently doesn't know his canadian provinces ^_^"
6 Hikaroo  2865 "After I see the list, I need to bathe. :D"
7 Karasuman  2702 "And there's one mod that adds characters from He-Man and Castle Greyskull. I love it. :)"
8 RelmArrowney  2554 "Yeah, but since us humans use it, isn't it best we come up with it? ^.^"
9 Gabe  1841 "But I just picked up Crabtree ;)"
10 Phoenix  1738 "And makes chatstats consistently, regardless ^_^"

TOP 10 greeting people

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 R51  19608 "Hey, can you tell me if it tries to make you make an account if you fill out
? Not now if you don't want, could do from home."
2 Nealio  7143 "Hey, they wrecked Utah's shit."
3 Tiddles  3801 "Hey Gerad. Good nap?"
4 Elena99  3735 "Hi :-)"
5 Mimic  3710 "Hey, again, Sherick."
6 Death_Penalty  2585 "Hey stop right there"
7 Olly  2457 "Hey Phoenix."
8 footbigmike  2411 "Hi Sally!"
9 Del_S  2283 "WB Neal"
10 EvilEye  2237 "Hey there"

Is that all you got to say? (Top 10 short line writers)

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 R51  85137 "Win."
2 Nealio  73519 "LOL."
3 Gabe  39861 "lol"
4 Dragon_Fire  17897 "Haha"
5 MogMaster  17429 "Ok"
6 Sabin  15613 "Rofl"
7 Zero_Hawk  15332 "Yeah"
8 Hanyou  13221 "Now."
9 Death_Penalty  12904 "Heh."
10 EvilEye  12647 "=)"

Top 10 Link Spammers

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 R51  22640 ""
2 Nealio  22555 "
3 Zombor  9980 "<EvilEye>
4 Gabe  6196 ""
5 Hanyou  4907 ""
6 Tiddles  4886 ",CRID=3,CONTENTID=8070"
7 Del_S  3642 " <--- Oh god. Why?"
8 Zero_Hawk  2701 ""
9 EvilEye  2399 ""
10 Salamando  1646 "The next one:"

Quoting saves you the issues of being original.

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 Zombor  227212 "<R51> -s/cute boy/hipster dork"
2 R51  5968 "[15:13] Rangers51: I have a friend who actually goes there."
3 Nealio  4237 "[09:04:56] * R51 has joined #narshe"
4 Salamando  2798 "[7:06am] <EvilEye> If it's the search function on caves, livestock, and ancient fruit seed creation."
5 Zero_Hawk  1505 "<Super_Moogle> Depends on what I'm working on, i90."
6 Phoenix  1090 "<guy who is with the first girl> you should come over"
7 Tiddles  1031 "[20:42] <Tiddles> YOU WILL ALL BE GEORGE"
8 Gabe  918 "[04:37:00] * Spoony_Bard recieves more experience <--- you better not level up before me"
9 Del_S  829 "<Caz> Ith not thuckin fanny!"
10 Sabin  520 "[12:34] <ChanServ> [Sabin] <Drunken_Fire> You nipple punched a turtle too?"

I Heart You Too (The Top 10 Lovey People)

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 R51  2603 "You could buy it through CoNStore. <3<3<3"
2 Nealio  2214 "KitKatVer2: i'm magical <3"
3 Dragon_Fire  1454 "I heart Max Payne. and Return To Castle Wolfenstein"
4 Zero_Hawk  1125 "I'll explore some gibs. <3"
5 Sabin  1042 "Also, <3 Chien-Ming Wang."
6 Hanyou  912 "Oh well. I'm gonna go play some Kingdom Hearts and then hit the sack. G'night ya'll."
7 Salamando  842 "“In an economic recession, I'd rather that in order to get out of this recession, that the people
be spending their set from night to night. <3"
8 Phoenix  720 "Has been the best ROM source for years <3<3<3"
9 MogMaster  613 "I vote for Neal <3."
10 Hikaroo  600 "Oh yeah. I got my two of my new comics, Joshy! <3"

You've left me speechless (The Top 10 dotdotdot folks)

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 R51  1585 "..."
2 Sabin  955 "..."
3 Nealio  689 "..."
4 Gabe  399 "..."
5 Dragon_Fire  326 "..."
6 Zero_Hawk  257 "..."
7 Cazboab  214 "..."
8 Nytecrawla  207 "..."
9 Laszlow  206 "..."
10 malevolence  199 "..."

Big Numbers

R51 needs to get a better connection - joined #narshe 7725 times during this reporting period...
The most active quit message writers
Nick amount Sample Quote
1. R51 4821 (Exit: meow)
2. Narratorway 1221 (Exit: brb, a better computer is open.)
3. Nealio 1185 (Exit: Banana!" "Quack!)
4. Del_S 1141 (Exit: Wheeee)
5. Mimic 994 (Exit: restart-o)
R51 really wanted others to know what was doing - 8610 descriptions altogether.
 [18:03:13] * R51 wants Jewel.
Nealio kicked a total of 1052 people from #narshe, more than anyone else.
 [11:57] <FraudulentTommah> lol
[01:45] * tommah was kicked by Neal[FF9] (Neal[FF9])

R51 only managed to kick 731 people.

Nealio didn't take "no" for an answer and ended up getting kicked out 325 times.
 [20:52:44] * Neal was kicked by R51 (Kick this, eunuch.)

R51 was thrown out just 199 times.

R51 knew exactly what to say, mentioning "Stats" 1121 times.
Ashelia_B`nargin_Dalmasca almost deafened everyone in #narshe, shouting 36% of the time!

saileboat followed closely with 30% yells!

Snowman was either being philosophical or just plain clueless - 33% of lines contained questions.

Cyan was almost as bad, having a question ratio of 30%.

The biggest chat-killer was R51 whose final comment caused the sudden end of 860 conversations.
This line stopped chat for 4 minutes (the previous conversation lasted 6 minutes):
 [14:06] <R51[working]> Because I've never actually HEARD his name said except in full.
R51 spoke the most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row 6695 times...

Nealio also liked talking to themself - caught on camera 5579 times.

Nealio forgot to turn off the CAPS-lock, writing 14399 lines in CAPS.
 [17:29] <Neal> GABERS!!!
18 Jan 2005 20:00 - 20:30 was a busy time for #narshe - 21 people active
Active during these 30 minutes were (in order of appearance):
 Hamedo, Sherick, MoogleGenocide, Tonepoet, Nealio, EvilEye, Phunbaba, Zero_Hawk, Zangief, Sagat, Blanka, Gabe, ChunLi, Dhalsim, Leftout, Sub-Zero, Reptile, JohnnyCage, Hanyou, FraudulentTommah, Gate
Sally wrote the longest lines - average of 74 letters per line.

Average line length on #narshe was 32 letters.

29 net splits were detected during the reporting period - on average that is 0.03 splits per week

Most disastrous net split: 20 Jan 2002 16:19 - 3 people dropped for 1 h 21 min
#narshe's nick flooders (they just couldn't find the right one...)
R511229 Nicks R51[working](54%), R51(32%), R51[work](4.0%), R51[meeting](1.2%), R51[around](0.8%), R51[cleaning](0.3%), R51[UT](0.2%), R51[out](0.2%), R51[CoN](0.2%), R51[CoNWork](0.2%), R51[phone](0.2%), fiveone(0.2%), R51[dinnerprep](0.1%), R51[dinner](0.1%), R51[FFX](0.1%), R51[conference_call](0.1%), R51[packing](0.1%), R51[shower](0.1%), R51[confcall](0.1%), R51_(0.1%), R51[...
Nealio1037 Nicks Nealio(34%), Neal(19%), Neal[warking](17%), Neal[Working](13%), Neal[zzz](1.0%), Neal[HW](0.8%), Neal[Meeting](0.7%), Neal[WFH](0.5%), Neal[CoNWork](0.4%), Neal[Class](0.4%), Neal[Out](0.4%), Neal[Studying](0.3%), [Neal](0.3%), Poque(0.3%), Neal[Stuff](0.3%), Neal[BBall](0.3%), Neal[FF6a](0.3%), Neal[FF9](0.3%), Neal[Shower](0.2%), Neal[Lunboks](0.2%), NealCraft(0.2%), Neal[...
People_Who_Forgot_to_Identify985 Nicks Guest6682(6.9%), Guest(5.2%), Guest3846(4.4%), Guest5461(3.9%), Guest788(3.7%), Guest4543(3.7%), Guest1593(3.1%), Guest1464(3.0%), Guest173(2.3%), Guest10186(2.2%), Guest9566(1.6%), Guest5224(1.6%), Guest6244(1.4%), Guest1865(1.3%), Guest161(1.2%), Guest3306(0.9%), Guest1008(0.9%), Guest4087(0.8%), Guest2683(0.8%), Guest3186(0.6%), CoNGuest(0.6%), Guest5373...
Sabin589 Nicks Sabin(80%), Bobbo(4.7%), Sabin[away](1.4%), Sabin_[away](0.5%), Sabin[FF6a](0.4%), Sabin[GoBlue](0.4%), Sabin[FF4a](0.4%), Sabin[writing](0.3%), Sabin[FFVIa](0.3%), Sabin[GoGMen](0.2%), Sabin_Jr(0.2%), Sabin[GoYankees](0.2%), Sabin[around](0.2%), Sabin[FFVI](0.2%), Sabin_[lunch](0.2%), Sabin[lunch](0.2%), Sabin[GoBigBlue](0.2%), Sabin[out](0.2%), Sabin_[hoops](0.2%), Sabin[MADNE...
Hanyou433 Nicks Hanyou(44%), Blaine(26%), Hanyou[Work](2.8%), Hanyou[Suiko5](1.6%), Hanyou[SO3](1.4%), Hanyou[CSI](0.9%), Hanyou[Suiko3](0.8%), Hanyou[P4](0.7%), Hanyou[FFIX](0.7%), Hanyou[WoW](0.7%), Hanyou[Laptop](0.6%), Blaine[Skyrimz](0.6%), Hanyougears(0.5%), Hanyou[GoMavs](0.5%), HanyouAge(0.5%), Hanyou[FFXII](0.5%), Blaine[DA2](0.5%), Hanyou[GoCowboys](0.5%), Blaine[...

Activity distribution

12/2015 - 11/2021

Lines per day Number of days
3 (0.1%)
5 (0.2%)
25 (1.2%)
48 (2.2%)
92 (4.2%)
191 (8.8%)
265 (12%)
481 (22%)
818 (38%)
244 (11%)

Overused words in #narshe:

Count Word Last used by At
112237 "about" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 9:46
110403 "think" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 6:56
82470 "really" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 14:17
80251 "because" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 6:45
75421 "would" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 9:42
64408 "going" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 8:56
61275 "right" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 9:43
57801 "still" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 9:22
57220 "though" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 8:59
52503 "should" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 9:01

Frequently mentioned nicks:

Count Word Last used by At
136935 "R51" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 17:09
105983 "Nealio" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 11:05
46657 "Soup" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 8:41
32519 "Gabe" Zombor 16 Sep 2021 11:07
32287 "Tiddles" Zombor 15 Sep 2021 19:01

These people talk in their own (strange) language...

Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
1703 R51 "Roque"(3), "umpired"(5), "couldn’t"(4), "flagpost"(3), "referers"(3), "Vacherie"(3),
"lufthansa"(5), "Multiuser"(4), "*started*"(3), "amazonian"(3), "rinstance"(3),
"node105"(5), "hangglider"(3), "non-random"(3), "inarticulate"(6), "cleanshaven"(3), ...
1645 Nealio "fankid"(13), "#alan"(5), "MONAY"(3), "Zagula"(5), "horsed"(3), "mising"(3), "Gactle"(3),
"FemSeph"(3), "refutes"(3), "crunboks"(5), "tuesday*"(3), "spanish*"(3), "gabepulse"(3),
"changeing"(3), "call_seg_cnt"(3), "explainations"(3), "actors/actresses"(3), ...
735 Zombor "Shaula"(114), "Hyper-C"(51), "Noxyfied"(174), "Ellidyre"(22), "Kunda"(9), "Ankha"(4),
"SkyUI"(3), "Ixithixyl"(10), "Clapham"(4), "tappers"(3), "dinguses"(4), "Runelord"(3),
"Cloudfront"(5), "Barnmaster"(3), "memoraphile"(6), "largemouth"(3), "Heistbaron"(3), ...
627 Salamando "Hilma"(3), "G.B.A"(6), "LaDede"(3), "Finita"(3), "F.F.T"(4), "Berdell"(6), "trauma”"(4),
"Vellene"(4), "NaeDene"(4), "Murlene"(3), "Ghestahl"(6), "LaPreel"(3), "Clorene"(3),
"Chalene"(3), "caillene"(3), "FFLegend"(3), "descisive"(3), "considine"(3), "pantyliners"(3), ...
518 Del_S "dctor"(3), "SSPCA"(3), "cockups"(5), "hackney"(4), "z-word"(3), "2/3rd"(3), "frittery"(5),
"Drawplus"(4), "Ferdinad"(4), "105mm"(3), "*Glasgow"(3), "Chavvery"(3), "scriptfic"(3),
"*switches"(3), "Cunteburt"(3), "dependign"(3), "bioweapons"(3), "DELIBERATLY"(6), ...
308 Tiddles "KHTML"(7), "Lequel"(7), "reflow"(4), "Plextor"(6), "N-Cube"(3), "Setskin"(4), "$number"(3),
"$_COOKIE"(5), "C-style"(4), "clucking"(4), "substyle"(4), "RedHotAnt"(3), "completism"(3),
"designwise"(3), "Westcountry"(4), "TVWellSortOf"(6), "Super/Hyper"(3), ...
272 Gabe "ROOLS"(4), "Mehale"(7), "yooper"(7), "Sanches"(4), "bironas"(3), "Flately"(3),
"REG-GIE"(4), "megabust"(3), "gozongas"(3), "NXB90B"(3), "season2"(3), "checkdown"(3),
"clownstomp"(3), "age/weight"(3), "enchantress"(4), "javvvvvvvvv"(4), "witchdoctor"(3), ...
251 MogMaster "Grawd"(11), "case*"(4), "leran"(3), "Schule"(3), "bolero"(3), "brockport"(10), "Princep"(3),
"Cartmans"(4), "#Trivesk"(3), "Ebonheart"(6), "politicly"(4), "Dr.Mario"(3), "roflcoptor"(6),
"attatchment"(9), "dr.pepper"(3), "Shotgunova"(4), "un-needed"(3), "Wangtastic"(3), ...
234 Dragon_Fire "bogurt"(9), "THAT!TAKE"(26), "Bewby"(3), "Zednik"(5), "lapierre"(11), "*worse"(4),
"OWWWWN"(4), "blizzarts"(11), "canada/"(3), "ressssst"(3), "drawning"(3), "jossssshy"(4),
"ultimicia"(4), "pyschotic"(3), "provologne"(4), "leprachauns"(3), "LIKE....A"(3), ...
223 Phoenix "CUTEELYSE"(19), "High~"(3), "minasan"(8), "Pharoh"(4), "ricist"(3), "xbox2"(3),
"ZHchan"(3), "vecino"(3), "penile"(3), "Pshhhhh"(4), "Greymon"(3), "DesktopX"(6),
"«murrrr»"(4), "Joshchan"(4), "Bush’s"(3), "prolifent"(4), "seraching"(4), "bitchfuck"(3), ...

These pairs like to talk in their own special language

Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
1522 R51 and Nealio "chaise"(14), "fizix"(11), "Dirks"(5), "pingy"(5), "riles"(3), "Levitt"(4), "wubble"(3),
"Expedit"(3), "Favreau"(3), "Maslany"(3), "groundout"(8), "timebank"(4), "debacles"(3),
"MANIACLE"(3), "supercheap"(3), "canteloupe"(3), "Darklighter"(5), "kawaiiiiiii"(3), ...
737 Nealio and Salamando "joike"(4), "OLERUD"(7), "pause*"(6), "Jeryl"(3), "Archeo"(3), "Mactles"(5), "Mazzles"(4),
"Shawnda"(3), "Seavenly"(4), "snack-os"(3), "GABENAILS"(3), "close-off"(5), "shit-talk"(3),
"poll-maker"(6), "Archaeoaevis"(5), "lately...I"(3), "Chicagoland’s"(3), ...
689 R51 and Zombor "codepen"(12), "go-tos"(9), "undue"(4), "nodejs"(6), "sheeting"(8), "misting"(4),
"chamois"(3), "unfilled"(5), "B-story"(3), "roadways"(4), "sideload"(3), "outmoded"(3),
"bottlers"(3), "heartrate"(4), "big-girl"(3), "sandbagged"(6), "Killmonger"(4), ...
581 R51 and Tiddles "vewwy"(10), "dogbox"(9), "fryup"(4), "townie"(6), "*table"(5), "thence"(5), "substr"(4),
"Sup./"(3), "weakly"(3), "Cutlass"(5), "wordmark"(7), "Compaqs"(3), "GZIPped"(3),
"TweakXP"(3), "spamusement"(10), "Displayer"(4), "asymmetry"(3), "tealights"(3), ...
558 R51 and Salamando "ritin"(3), "Nivek"(3), "“czesk"(3), "Gaylawn"(5), "ESPN360"(14), "Antigua"(3), "2.8GB"(3),
"Brashear"(3), "hardboard"(5), "work-day"(3), "autodebit"(4), "lat/longs"(3),
"soccer.”"(3), "decimation"(3), "old-thread"(3), "discon/recon"(3), "oreo-cookies"(4), ...
470 Nealio and Zombor "OBIEE"(5), "Zaland"(7), "Vinosec"(10), "soosh"(3), "Tabbies"(8), "macaron"(7),
"yapping"(6), "decile"(3), "tip-in"(4), "Attucks"(3), "nastyboi"(4), "anguished"(5),
"Southtown"(5), "auto-sent"(4), "gaslighting"(7), "plagiarized"(6), "Sheinhardt"(3), ...
416 Nealio and Gabe "dumfart"(13), "nanoo"(3), "toony"(3), "holst"(3), "wantr"(3), "Preese"(6), "/jobs"(3),
"gayyyy"(5), "Dashon"(3), "Skelton"(5), "Wickman"(4), "penised"(3), "actuary"(3),
"dashcon"(3), "Skeepers"(4), "Skanklia"(3), "harrleson"(5), "creamulum"(3), "Go0-14"(4), ...
274 Nealio and Tiddles "temp1"(10), "tidsl"(3), "Ronson"(5), "temp3"(5), "surged"(4), "drudge"(4), "Rustie"(3),
"Poisona"(6), "JIGGERY"(4), "Shaundi"(4), "mow-wow"(5), "Telepod"(3), "$address"(5),
"conehead"(3), "TAOSMB3"(3), "FUCKABEES"(5), "proboscis"(4), "6700K"(4), ...
272 R51 and Del_S "Gitmo"(13), "Swat4"(13), "pipped"(5), "Kalashnikov"(15), "weirdish"(3), "Eurospec"(3),
"pro-Bush"(3), "lifeboats"(4), "sephrioth"(4), "clingfilm"(3), "somerfield"(5), "excercised"(3),
"shittyness"(3), "#narshe-bz"(3), "interjecting"(4), "guesstimated"(3), "Anachronisms"(3), ...
245 R51 and Gabe "duing"(4), "pspgo"(4), "adobo"(4), "syrups"(6), "againt"(6), "Gisele"(6), "E-bag"(3),
"Harumph"(5), "battlesystem"(29), "WHOOOOOO"(6), "burnouts"(6), "playroom"(4),
"bulldyke"(3), "killbane"(3), "PEPSUBER"(3), "ThereÂ’s"(3), "Augmentin"(5), ...

Special words by time of day

  Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1"Hyman"(19)"Marnin"(144) "nandos"(46)"Gochu"(31)
2"VAGETA"(36)"Junimo"(15) "twerk"(14)"bellybutton"(28)
3"Varus"(6)"asriel"(8) "vanilli"(58)"Helios"(32)
4"ensnare"(18)"Nunes"(6) "heists"(58)"wanty"(20)
5"Gigai"(7)"FLYEN"(6) "Reames"(22)"Kilik"(41)
6"monferno"(24)"Crocus"(8) "hevay"(32)"Aquas"(15)
7"Minkus"(6)"parsec"(16) "Sleve"(11)"Rydias"(15)
8"kaoru"(9)"5:35am"(25) "Czechs"(33)"#mage"(24)
9"Oreyn"(14)"Rovio"(3) "Giroud"(32)"Isshin"(18)
10"ticka"(23)"Krewe"(7) "Beneke"(24)"Babar"(15)

Special words by day of week

  Monday Tuesday -
Friday Saturday -
1"Thoros"(12)"Comey"(25) "Muffet"(8)"scurt"(17)
2"cmorgan"(54)"oddish"(27) "shulk"(6)"Luxio"(18)
3"Segura"(7)"nandos"(46) "stdev"(8)"Jappa"(12)
4"Ellidyre"(22)"deserts"(21) "Yetee"(6)"Darch"(11)
5"Dwigt"(3)"swiping"(16) "Wessel"(7)"Faulk"(9)
6"pyuku"(3)"Kenyans"(33) "Varus"(6)"Heero"(8)
7"jairoe03"(56)"swarmed"(27) "that."(6)"RaNena"(7)
8"Morinth"(9)"Flowey"(15) "Wilmer"(3)"Eifert"(3)
9"mohel"(7)"Moles"(31) "Mical"(6)"lingcod"(6)
10"Oberyn"(6)"Boeing"(20) "gehrman"(22)"puwexil"(7)

1. Main page | 2. User Stats | 3. Detailed info

mIRCStats v1.22 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen

Caves of Narshe Version 6
©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.