Final Fantasy VI Game Credits
Have you ever wondered who was responsible for bringing Final Fantasy VI to you? Probably not. However, you'll see some big names in this list that you may recognize, and it's best to get acquainted with the staff. Else, you're going to look like an idiot in that next Amano vs. Nomura debate.
Hironobu Sakaguchi
Yoshinori Kitase
Hiroyuki Itou
Main Programmers
Ken Narita
Kiyoshi Yoshii
Graphic Directors
Tetsuya Takahashi
Kazuko Shibuya
Hideo Minaba
Tetsuya Nomura
Nobuo Uematsu
Image Designer
Yoshitaka Amano
Battle Planners
Yasuyuki Hasabe
Akiyoshi Oota
Field Planners
Yoshihiko Maekawa
Keita Etoh
Satoru Tsuji
Hidetoshi Kezuka
Event Planners
Tsuka Fujita
Keisuke Matsuhara
Effect Programmers
Hiroshi Harata
Satoshi Ogata
Battle Programmer
Akihero Yamaguchi
Sound Programmer
Minoru Akao
Effect Graphic Designer
Hirokatsu Sasaki
Field Graphic Designers
Takahara Matsuo
Yusuke Naora
Nobuyuki Ikeda
Tomoe Inazawa
Kaori Tanaka
Takamichi Shibuya
Shinichirou Hamaska
Akiyoshi Masuda
Monster Graphic Designer
Hitoshi Sasaki
Object Graphic Designer
Kazuhiro Ohkawa
Sound Engineer
Eiji Nakamura
Remake Planners
Weiman Li
Aiko Ito
Ted Woolsey
Ted Woolsey isn't credited any more in the PlayStation version's intro. We think that's a little unfair, considering almost all of the text is the same as it is in the version in which he was credited.
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.