CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger

ROM Editors

You can use these to, well, edit your ROM (not that we necessarily condone that). There are several from which to choose.

FF3us Multi Editor

FF3usME can be used with a dump of SNES FF3US for a wide variety of things. It allows you to edit monster stats, monster battle scripts, character stats, colloseum battles, spell stats, monster formations, locations of formations and item stats. You can always find the newest version of this at Lord J's Homepage.


Yousei's Editor

One of the more famous editors, this one can successfully edit world maps and the ingame script. Other editing functions are buggy and may not work.


FF3us Sprite Editor

It edits sprites. Good work figuring that one out, by the way. You can always find the newest version of this at Lord J's Homepage.



FF3SE is another sprite editor that in many ways surpasses FF3us Sprite Editor. It will allow you to modify nearly any sprite in the game. You can always find the newest version of this at Terii Senshi's Homepage.


Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.