CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.40: Departing from Albrook

Treasures: 8000 Gil, 13000 Gil, 20000 Gil, RelicAlarm Earring, RelicAngel Ring, RelicAngel Wings, Elixir x2, SwordFlametongue, RelicHermes Sandals, Hi-Ether, RelicReflect Ring, X-Potion, Teleport Stone

Other than the fact Gau seems to remember things about his father who supposedly threw him out seconds after he was born, you notice here that Setzer is missing. I can divulge here that Setzer is not in Vector at all; he's on the Blackjack, over at Maranda. Together with Cid, he's repairing his beloved airship. You can go over there if you want to and watch the often missed and delightful scene between the two. It really is a good cutscene and provides some backstory for something you'll have to do later, so go check it out. Setzer will tell you afterwards that the airship will be out of commission for a while and that you might as well take the Emperor's boat in Albrook.

Anyway, the real new treasure lies in the Imperial Base at the Cave to the Sealed Gate. Enter the house, and prepare to be stumped; the Empire has made a great gesture of good will with this gift. The chests here include: An X-Potion, an RelicAngel Wings Relic, a Hi-Ether, a RelicReflect Ring, RelicHermes Sandals, an Elixir, an RelicAngel Ring, and an RelicAlarm Earring, together with 8000 Gil + 13000 Gil + 20000 Gil = 41000 Gil. There's a hidden chest with an Elixir hidden by the south wall, and there's a SwordFlametongue in the stove.

If you want to, you can go and visit Tzen and Maranda; there's really nothing for you there, but you can see how both towns have been abandoned by the oppressive Imperial forces, and how glad everybody is that the war is finally over.

At any rate, as soon as you can get to Albrook, you'll find the entry to the port open. You immediately appear next to two crates, one of which contains a Teleport Stone. General Leo is discussing with subordinates here; he tells you to go and take a rest at the Inn, but not before 'introducing' you to two 'strangers': The first is Shadow, while the second another general of the Empire, General Celes Chere. Locke spazzes out and Celes runs off. You can bask in Shadow's idea of humor for a while before acknowledging Leo has made arrangements, and you can rest at the Inn free.

If you ignored Shadow both with Sabin and in Kohlingen (weird, but possible!), this is the first time you'll meet him. So as opposed to 'friendly' banter, he'll mention giving Interceptor a run out before the boat leaves port. Resting at the Inn will trigger a sad cutscene in which Locke and Celes exchange their names and offer charged silences to each other.

When morning comes, the freighter takes off for its overnight trip. Events transpire under the stars! When the morning comes, everybody is already awake. You can learn from the soldiers that rumors say magic still exists on Crescent Island – must be folly - and you can talk to Leo for your mission briefing. General Celes and General Leo will try to gain information, while Terra, Locke, and Shadow are dispatched by themselves. There's a town to the north called Thamasa, so it might be a good idea to try to learn something there.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.