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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.27: Traveling on the Southern Continent

Middle/West Grasslands
Southwest/East Grasslands

Enemies: Fossil Dragon, Litwor Chicken, Joker, Don, Wyvern, Grasswyrm, Bug

Welcome to what we like to call the Southern Continent: Vector in the middle, Albrook to the south, Tzen to the north, Maranda to the West, and an Imperial Observation Post seemingly built to protect a mountain range to the East. As is the tendency of games like the one we're talking about here, a new continent features new enemies that are stronger than the ones seen before.

Preparation: Re-equipped Celes? Good. Make sure you have RelicThief's Bracer on Locke, as the upcoming monsters might actually have something worth stealing. If any of the characters know OFloat, cast it on the party. If not, have Gau (if present) Rage Hornet or a similar Rage that is Float-inducing.

There's a plethora (expensive word: +500 Exp.) of dangerous monsters around. Grasswyrms are entirely like Nettlehopper, only they're red. They're just as weak to Fire as their green brethren are, they're just as silly with their physical attacks and berserking attempts, and they're just as likely to find themselves in several flaming pieces on the cold earth in a relatively brief period of time.

The Don is simple Attack/Special cannon fodder, only it's kinda sturdy and tends to take more than one attack to kill. Also, they have a rare HelmetTiger Mask steal, a nice Helmet for Sabin and/or Gau that you probably want to swap for the HelmetGreen Beret (but only for the sake of being able to; I'd still say the HelmetGreen Beret is the better choice). For a bit of trivia, their Anthology Bestiary entry mentions these dogs were created as a test of using Magitek power. But then again, the Bestiary is so full of crap I tend to ignore it despite the fact it is official Square material.

Jokers are jerks. They're floating, so they're immune to your strongest multi-target attack (Gau's Magnitude 8). If you allow them to take more than one turn, they start casting Acid Rain on the entire party, which you'll want to prevent. If they're alone, they start casting OThundara, which you will really want to prevent. Summoning EsperSiren is a very good idea if you run into them, as doing so removes the threat of both spells. ToolsNoiseblaster also works well. Rarely, they will drop RodMythril Rods. You didn't have those yet. If you were greedy, you'll have three different kinds of Rod already, and nobody to equip them. Beautiful.

Wyvern are... not floating. They have wings, and they are called 'wyvern', a word commonly reserved for flying serpents of death. They are in a flying position in their sprite, which was specifically designed to capture the very nature of the beast in one pose. Yet, not floating. It's a mockery of the concept of wing itself. Wyvern are monsters who will use Cyclonic when they're alone, a percentage-based attack that will remove 93.75% of the targets current HP. And Cyclonic hits all characters. Don't let this happen. They have rare RelicDragoon Boots for any Lockes you might have in your party, which also sell for a whole bunch of moola.

Litwor Chicken are the silliest and potentially the most deadly of the monsters found on the continent. When they're alone, they cast OQuake. Surely, they must've abandoned all hope of getting out of the battle alive, as it hurts them as well. OQuake is an Earth-elemental, barrier-piercing spell that hits every target on screen as long as it isn't Floating; it's seriously powerful. If you kept Stray around long enough for any of your characters to learn OFloat, be sure to cast it if you are still touching the ground. Otherwise, they're weak to Ice and look silly.

The desert houses Fossil Dragon, though you should be used to their presence by now. Bugs are also found circling their bodies. Bugs are annoying because they tend to go out with a bang: a bang of petrifying their killer. Only if they were killed by a normal Attack, that is, and only if they were alone, and only 33% of the time, but still... avoid what ails ya, regardless.

To sum it up: Have Locke try and steal from Don and Wyvern monsters, don't let Litwor Chicken or Wyvern alone, both are weak to Ice attacks, summon EsperSiren when you meet Jokers (and Wyvern and Litwor Chicken if you're not feeling confident about your ability to take them out first, since EsperSiren stops OQuake and Cyclonic as well), and don't do drugs.

It's by no means mandatory or even very beneficial to visit the other three locations before going into Vector, but it doesn't hurt to do it in any way and it gives more back story to the game. It's up to you to decide if you'll want to do it. If you go to the mountains to see the Imperial Observation Post, get to fight monsters that have glands on their back that secrete Tents. A lot of them. You'll be fighting them anyway in the next serious dungeon. Tzen has SpecialBoomerangs for sale, a slight improvement over the SpecialMoonring Blade, HelmetMythril Helms for sale, featureless helmets for everybody but Sabin, and RelicBlack Belt Relics for sale. Maranda also has SpecialBoomerangs and HelmetMythril Helms, but also LanceTridents for sale, a Water-elemental Spear, ArmorMythril Mail for sale, better armor for Cyan and Edgar, and a free Remedy and Holy Water to find!

That's not everything, of course, but it's the basics. Hit the next chapter for more detail.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.