CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.28: Optionally Delaying a Scary Trip to Vector

Enemies: Sergeant, Proto Armor, Mega Armor

Treasures: Holy Water, Remedy

First, to the Empire's eastern post. The base has a bit of a generic name for now, but the real name kinda reveals its purpose so we wouldn't want that yet. All you'll find here is a truly impenetrable Imperial Base, blocking access to whatever lies on the other side. You can fight the walking people here. The normal soldiers, regardless of color, will turn out to be four Sergeants, and the Armored soldier is a Proto Armor/Mega Armor combo.

Note on the four Sergeants: This is an easily controllable battle where you don't really have to fear sudden KO's creeping up on you. The thing is, though, Sergeants have a Tent for common steal. So, you have the option of complete restoration after every battle if you steal one. I tend to linger a while. It builds my stock of Tents to about 20 and gains some sweet spells in the meantime.

Tzen is a small town. Used to be an independent town, a monarchy no less. The Empire has slaughtered the royal family, and Tzen is currently under even more Imperial watch than Albrook is. There really isn't much to say about Tzen.The soldiers will be useless and passive as they were in Albrook, the citizens friendly and helpful. One will tell about an Imperial weapon called the Guardian, which can't move by itself but is extremely powerful. Oh well, we can always make a run for it should we come across it. Another man tells of a gate in the mountains to the East. The mountains were heavily guarded and impenetrable for you; could it be that the Empire is looking for something there?

Weapon Shop: The Weapon Shop offers nothing you can use other than the SpecialBoomerang. The SpecialBoomerang is a slightly better version of the SpecialMoonring Blade, so if you were using it I suggest you replace it.

Armor Shop: Here's some Mythril equipment! However, you have plenty of ShieldMythril Shields from Narshe, and you could've obtained enough ArmorMythril Vests from Hell's Rider earlier. So, if you played smart so far, the only feature of meaning is the HelmetMythril Helms. It has a slight defensive boost over the HelmetGreen Beret and the HelmetPriest's Miter, but it isn't worth the loss of the special properties inherent to those two headgears, in my opinion. And it's flat-out worse than the HelmetTiger Mask.

Relic Shop: Nice Relics for sale in Tzen. The RelicAmulet is the first store-bought item that protects you from the Zombie status. You'll need it later, but not now. All other Relics are filler relics.

Item Shop: Present and accounted for.

You might want to grab a Chocobo in the hidden Chocobo Stable in the forest to the east of Tzen.

Maranda, Maranda... what do we know about Maranda? The last to fall against the Empire, it was General Celes Chere herself who led the attack to conquer the continent. It's still slightly trashed from the attack. Like Tzen, many of the city's young men were forced to fight in the army of the Empire. The wounded man you found in Mobliz was one of them, and his darling Lola still lives here. Lola lives in a little house in Maranda, and if you'll speak to her, her response depends on your actions in Mobliz.

If you sent an item, received her next request and then didn't respond to that subsequent letter, Lola will go back to her "mean heroes didn't help" text.

Weapon Shop: The Weapon Shop has three new weapons. The LanceTrident, a Water-elemental Spear you might want to use later in the game, the mandatory SwordBastard Sword, and the SpecialBoomerang you could've found in Tzen. On the whole, buy a LanceTrident and leave.

Armor Shop: The Armor Shop has Mythril Equipment as well, but they're a little better at it. There's only one feature of interest if you visited Tzen earlier: The ArmorMythril Mail, heavy defensive equipment for Celes, Cyan, and Edgar. I wouldn't recommend it on Celes though, as the ArmorWhite Dress is only slightly less protective and gives a very nice Magic bonus. Finally, let's not forget about the fact this is the first time you see HelmetGreen Berets in shops. It's not like you shouldn't be swamped in those buggers by now, but hey.

Item Shop: Say what? This town doesn't have one! I believe that makes it the only town ever, ever, ever in this game. Crazy world. Let's not start on Zozo, as that's more a dungeon than a town.

If you want two free items, find the Holy Water in the bottom crate west of the south exit and find the Remedy in one of the two crates near the arguing couple.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.