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Final Fantasy VII FAQ

Edited by  Tiddles
Site Developer

Though we've tried our best to cover everything you need to know in the guides and data sections, there are a few things which didn't fit neatly into them, or aren't particularly easy to search for in their sections. Such information ends up here, in the FAQ.

Have we missed something important? Let us know by adding your FAQ suggestion (preferably along with an answer) to the pinned FAQ topic in the Final Fantasy VII forum.


Gameplay Questions

I'm at a place in the map where it's hard to see where to go. What should I do?

Hit select, and an arrow should appear pointing the way to go. If not, talk to someone (if any one is there) in the area, in case the way doesn't open unless you talk to an NPC.

Question submitted by  Elena99
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I can't seem to get up to the next limit break, even though I'm doing a lot of battles. What do I do?

Look in our Limit Breaks section. Sometimes you need to battle, sometimes you need to use the current limits a certain amount of times, and sometimes you need to find an object (check our Items database for the various locations of these).

Question submitted by  Elena99
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Is there any use for the Tissue, Super Sweeper, Masamune replica or 1/35 Soldiers?

No. However, if you buy the mansion in Costa Del Sol, the soldiers are on display.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Can I get out of Northern Cave (disc 3) once I go in?

Yes. Head right back up to the start and press your confirm button at a certain point along the back wall of the crater, and you'll climb out.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Can I make the Tiny Bronco fly again?

No, you can't.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Can I get Zack or Sephiroth in my party?

No, you can't. But you can have one of them for a short period of time, even if he isn't controlable.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Can I get Zack or Sephiroth in my party in the Japanese version?

NO. Gomen! Baka!

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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How can I get back into the Midgar slums after I've left Midgar?

You can return to Midgar after you left it, but only with a little work. Check our secrets page for further information on the subject.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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What are the Master Materia? How can I get them?

OMaster Magic and OMaster Summon contain every magic and summon ability in the game, but do not make any modifications to your stats when equipped. OMaster Command is similar, but only contains the following commands: ★Steal, ★Sense, ★Throw, ★Coin, ★Morph, ★D.Blow, ★Manip and ★Mime.

There are two ways to get them. Arguably the fastest way is to train up and beat Emerald Weapon, and take the δEarth Harp it drops to the traveller in one of the Kalm houses. He'll exchange it for a set of Master Materia. Alternatively, if you have mastered every single magic or summon materia, or every command materia containing commands used on Master Command, you can take them to the appropriate Huge Materia in Bugenhagen's Observatory in Cosmo Canyon and exchange them for the corresponding Master Materia.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Is there a Master Independent or a Master Support materia?

No. They would arguably be much too powerful.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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What kind of chocobos can I ride?

You can ride Yellow, Green, Blue, Black and Gold chocobos. Any other colour is unavailable to you, even though you can see different colors during the Chocobo races.

Question submitted by  Max
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How do I get the Choco/Mog materia?

You have to "talk" to the chocobos in the pen at the Chocobo Ranch.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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How do I get the Alexander materia?

Just check our walkthrough for a step-by-step method on how to obtain this materia.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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I don't have all four Huge Materia. How can I get the others?

They're all obtained during the course of the game, and each of them can be missed permanently. Interestingly, you don't obtain a specific huge materia for doing a specific quest: each successful Huge Materia quest adds the next one in the sequence that you don't have yet, in this order: green, yellow, red, blue. So, for example, if you are successful with only the third and fourth huge materia quests, you will still receive only the green and yellow Huge Materia.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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How do I get the Bahamut ZERO materia?

Only if you managed to collect all four of the Huge Materia can you managed to get the OBahamut ZERO materia: approach the blue Huge Materia and it will resonate with the OBahamut and ONeo Bahamut materia, giving you OBahamut ZERO.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Is there anything else I can miss while playing through the game that I won't be able to go back for later?

Yes, in fact; enough that we made a separate page on missable items just for the purposes of this question. (Special thanks to BTB for providing the information on which we based it.)

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Plot Questions

Can I revive Aeris?

No, you can't.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Can I revive Aeris in the Japanese version?

NO. You really GOMEN BAKA!

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Could the "This guy are sick" man in the pipe in the Midgar slums be Zack?

It's unlikely. It didn't look like Zack would be getting to Midgar any time soon in the last scene we saw of him. Yeah, the SOLDIER enhancements might mean he could survive, but apart from anything else, it just doesn't look like him. Also, we have no indication that Zack received a tattoo like the man in the pipe had (in fact, it is unlikely, seeing that Cloud doesn't have one himself). Finally, Aeris should recognise him when they meet in the slums.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Where can I find out what happened to Cloud and Zack after the Nibelheim incident?

Go check our Secrets guide to know all about this matter.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Why does Nibelheim show no signs of having burnt down?

It's a Shinra coverup, as the bar owner and a letter in Tifa's room will tell you if you go back after the Mideel/lifestream part of the game. Creepily, the black caped weirdos hanging around on disc one appear to be the former residents.

Question submitted by  Tiddles
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Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VII
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.