Final Fantasy V Walkthrough
Written by Djibriel
1.4: The Town of Tule
Enemies: Goblin, Killer Bee, Nutkin, Stray Cat, Gattling, Big Horn, Bandersnatch
Treasures: 100 Gil, 150 Gil, Ether, Leather Shoes x2, Phoenix Down x2, Potion x2, Tent x2
Features: Piano
You can fight Goblins on the Overworld Map now. They're of a slightly different variety than the Goblins you defeated earlier were; they'll rarely drop a

Killer Bees fly and attack physically with Attack and !Needle, which shouldn't be confused with the enemy attack Needle. !Needle inflicts 1.5 damage.
Nutkin are chewing on their nuts while skirmishing, so they slowly regain HP during battle. Randomly a green 1 will pop up to indicate their incredible recovery rate. One hit should kill them; they attack with Attack and !Incisor (Attack x 1.5).
Stray Cat merely attacks physically, sometimes with !Tail. Unassuming.
The enemy Bandersnatch can appear if you land on one of the thin strokes of land between Tule and the Wind Shrine. Bandersnatches are powerful creatures that may deal anywhere between 60 to 100 damage with their normal physical attacks and !Body Blow, their special attack. You'll want to brawl with them a bit for the Bestiary entry if you care about those things, but later; they almost one-hit kill you now unless you start leveling.
Yeah, you'll want to tell the helpful first mate to buzz off. We're going to Tule first. There's all kinds of neat stuff to do there. It's to the west. You may choose to skip this entire section and dive into the Wind Shrine unprepared (which still doesn't make it too hard) but there's really no good reason to do so.
First off, before you enter Tule itself you should be aware of the fact that you're now on the Overworld Map without Boko, allowing you to fight random encounters. Speaking of Boko, it appears that Bartz has forgotten all about his best friend. We'll pick him up later. In the meantime: Tule! Yay! Check out Faris' equipment; he's got a

Should you ever try to leave town, Faris'll automatically rejoin you using his pirate senses.
The purple wizard-guy near the entrance of town wants to take you to the Greenhorn's Club. It's a good idea (although you could've walked yourself); it's on the southern-west edge of Tule. Claim your status as a beginner upon entrance an you'll be granted passage. There's a lot of info available here, but we're just stopping in for the treasure. And you've already got all the info you could ever need right here! <3
The crate contains a Tent, the barrel contains a Phoenix Down and the grey pot contains a Potion. The bottom green wizard mentions the existence of fake walls and sure enough, there's one leading around the grey pot to the chest you couldn't normally reach. It contains an Ether. The other chest contains 100 Gil. Time to go upstairs! Here's, a green wizard is standing over a chest, claiming he has a gift for you. Opening the chest nets you a battle with a Goblin! Kill it.
After the battle you'll get some

Time to explore town. In the barrel to the right of the Inn lies 150 Gil. To the north, a few crates and barrels stand together. One of the barrels contains a Tonic and a crate contains a Tent. The big house to the far north belongs to Zok, the man who built the Torna Canal and a personal friend of the king of Tycoon. He doesn't seem to be home, however. To the far left of Zok's house there's a bush between all the trees where you can find a Phoenix Down, and to the far right is a crate over by the watermill which contains another pair of

Faris is upstairs. One of the pirates mentions how he loves his captain, which is odd, since he's a dude. And Faris is also a dude. And two dudes, in a simplistic high fantasy setting like this one, that just don't fit.
On stage, there's a piano. Woohoo! You must play it. Long story short, if you play all eight pianos in this game you unlock two more Songs for your Bards. Short story long: see the piano guide. Anyway, the Girls Of Little Shame are in your way. Sit down on the special seat to get them off stage and on your lap. For free! Now, you can reach the piano. You suck at playing it. Let's go upstairs and sleep off the shame.
Faris the hippie pirate captain beat you to it. Bartz decides to check in on him. And then Galuf. And then they fall in love with the sleeping image of Faris the hippie pirate captain. This is interesting territory for a Final Fantasy game, eh? Regardless, before things can escalate Faris wakes up and locks the door, which seems like a good idea. Maybe some fresh air will do Bartz and Galuf some good. Gets rid of all the pheromones.
Let's examine the shops:
Weapon Shop: Buy one

Armor Shop: What you're lacking in your inventory is three

Magic Shop: I'll discuss them all when you get to use them, okay? I do suggest buying at least the

We're done in Tule; let's go find that Wind Shrine all the cool kids are talking about. Sailing on the Overworld Map, it's possible to approach Torna Canal which you pass on your way; the gates are locked, though. You can fight its monsters in front of the gate, but there's nothing to gain for you so I don't suggest it.
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy V
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.