Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough
Written by Djibriel
1.30: Magitek Research Facility
First Room |
6/16 |
2 |
2 | ||
5/16 |
2 |
1 | ||
5/16 |
1 |
2 |
Second Room |
6/16 |
5 | |
5/16 |
2 | |
5/16 |
2 |
1 |
Enemies: Onion Knight, Sergeant, Belzecue, Proto Armor
Treasures: Dragoon Boots, Ether,
Golden Armor,
Golden Helm,
Golden Shield,
Icebrand, Tent,
Thunder Blade, Remedy, X-Potion,
Zephyr Cloak
Preparation: Everybody in the Back Row. This is a theme-based dungeon, and the theme is "If ye can't top 200 Defense, ye ain't no kinda man." If your physical attack isn't specifically barrier-piercing, the result will be analogous to butting your head against a brick wall. So, Front Row is useless.

So yes, if it can't penetrate defenses and doesn't boast any additional properties, you'll be hard-pressed to find a use for it. I think it might be wise to give a quick recap on what's useful here and what's not:
- Magic, especially
Thunder and
- Summon attacks, which especially means
Ramuh right now
- Raging Fist, Meteor Strike, Aura Cannon, Rising Phoenix
- Fang, Sky, Tiger
- Rage-inflicted magical attacks, which besides Magic, includes Aspiran's Gigavolt, Anguiform's
Aqua Breath, Guard Leader's Wind Slash and Hill Gigas' Magnitude 8
Not useful:
- Attack
Auto Crossbow
- Flurry
- Rage-inflicted physical attacks, which include Specials such as !Cat Scratch
So yes, try to boost your magical attacks. Cyan will be especially boring and useless here, as Fang starts to definitely lack in power and is only single-target. Locke, unless he can make use of some of the more-potent magic, such as

The ultimate way of dealing with enemies here is having a character with (1 or 2)

The most common foe is the one you found earlier in the Imperial Observation Post and strolling about the streets of Vector: Sergeant. Their most attractive feature is their common Tent Steal, and otherwise they're very straightforward. Cid programmed them with Program 65, which, when executed, will silence the target for the duration of the battle. Their set of elemental weaknesses is rather strange; humans tend to succumb to Poison whereas machines are usually more likely to have a problem with Lightning and Water. Maybe this and the fact that they're apparently programmed is a hint they are some kind of cyborgs? At any rate, normal cannon fodder you have to plow through.
Sergeants are often accompanied by Belzecue dogs. They're canine versions of the Sergeant, really. Cid has provided them with Program 95, which ignites madness in the target, confusing them for the rest of the battle. Same weaknesses, same treatment. Don't worry too much about them confusing your Sabin when he is about to execute a Rising Phoenix Blitz; they will never use it unless they're alone, and you're bound to take them on with multi-target attacks anyway, right?
The metallic vermin of the IMRF are the Onion Knight robots. They're small, have little HP, are kinda weak, and only attack in large numbers. To compensate for their lack in offensive power, Cid set them up to use Program 55, one that turns the target into the illustrious Imp creature that is incapable of doing anything that isn't rolling over and dying. The

The Empire is about to release a new kind of Magitek Armor, but they have created nothing but prototypes for them yet; the Proto Armor is the pure chassis of the new model, but fully operational. Its powers over the standard Magitek Armor include, besides the standard electricity-based Magitek Laser, a missile support unit to fire off either a single Missile or go for the massive Launcher attack to attack multiple targets simultaneously, a blinding flash of light called Scintillation (also used by the Satellite) to blind the offensive party, and Cid's personal touch, Program 35, which by magical means fuels the body to deliver physical damage.

You are now entering what the Bestiary refers to as the Magitek Factory: The part of the building where the Magitek Armors are being created. What you'll want to do first is go all the way to the left, through a pipe, on a conveyer belt, to a chest that contains, oh sweetness, a

The stairs will drop you on another conveyer belt, which drops you off near a chest and another pipe. The pipe will take you back should you so desire (with an elevator! Oh, my!), but you probably won't. Grab the chest (X-Potion). The path downwards will get you exactly nowhere (you can't make the elevator go down to where you are), so get on the conveyer belt that takes you further into the factory.
It delivers you to another chest! The

There's a slight break from the conveyer belt here. Continuing right on will simply get you to advance the dungeon, but you'll miss treasures! Rather nice ones, actually, although nothing can compare to the two blades you've already picked up here.
To the bottom-left is the first accessible chest, which contains

When you're done, it doesn't matter if you hike back or continue down; if you go down, you'll fall out of the end, and a while later, appear at the end of a pipe close to the conveyor belt you were just thinking of continuing.
Get on the conveyor belt and simply walk on until you meet a friendly face, by which I mean a certain kind of friend who would like to hit you in the abdomen with a rather large and heavy object and who would probably enjoy extra ice in his drinks.
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.