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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.37: Allied Narshe

Well, it's Narshe again. The first time Terra came here, she was violently pulled out of the clutches of the Empire. The second time, she was again touched by EsperValigarmanda and lost control of herself. Narshe has not been a good city to Terra at all; let's hope it has some good news this time. And so it appears! Narshe, ever-unsure about their role in the war, has finally decided to stand with the Returners against the Empire. A plan is revealed wherein Narshe and Figaro team up to make for war. But the Empire, even without an ever-increasing number of Magitek Armors, is a force far greater then Narshe and Figaro combined. The gate needs to be opened; the Espers need to be contacted. Surely, they would be willing to aid against those who have wronged their species so much. Terra is the necessary link; a new mission is given.

Narshe is once again bustling with activity! New weapons and equipment are being sold in the city's stores in preparation for the upcoming war.

In the Weapon Shop, there's a new kind of Rod in town: The RodPoison Rod. You can let it rest for now. The SpecialMorning Star is a Back Row weapon for Celes and Terra, simply an upgraded version of the SpecialChain Flail. The most interesting sell here is the SpecialHawkeye for Locke. The SpecialHawkeye has a 50% chance of doing x1.5 damage (no visual effect) to non-Floating enemies and 3 times as much damage against Floating enemies (it will appear to be thrown). Very nice. Buy one, or two if you feel you want to use Locke and the RelicGenji Glove together.

The Armor Shop sells new equipment as well. ShieldGolden Shields and HelmetGolden Helms for the heavy-equippers (you still have to get ArmorGolden Armors from the Chimera if you want them), a HelmetTiara for Terra (the first actual helmet I'll outright recommend over the HelmetGreen Beret), and ArmorPower Sash for those guys whose name isn't Edgar or Setzer.

Relic Shop: Nothing new here, but if you feel like you could use something, don't hesitate.

Item Shop: There's nothing remarkable here other than the fact this is the first town that sells Shadow's scrolls when he isn't a possible party member. Except for Albrook. Is that a weird point to mention, then? Yes.

But this isn't all. One odd character has chosen to take advantage of the situation of Narshe: Lone Wolf, the infamous thief, has paid a visit. Lone Wolf is a character from Final Fantasy V (if not, the two are so similar there's bound to be a conscious running theme here). The prior Lone Wolf was a thief locked up in a dungeon in some castle. He looked like a humanoid wolf, or a werewolf, which appeared in larger numbers later in the game, though Lone Wolf himself has no clear connection to them and it's even possible he's just a guy with a mask. You had the option of releasing him, but he would just take three treasures you would then be unable to obtain later in the game. None of that's really relevant to this game's version, though, really.

The old man who gave you his treasures earlier (remember, the house with the DirkThief's Knife and RelicThief's Bracer in it?) worries about the treasure he didn't give you; the locked chest. If you are kind enough to take a look for him, you'll just see Lone Wolf running off with its contents. Follow Lone Wolf to retrieve the treasure! He escapes to the mines. The path is straightforward. On occasion, you'll see Lone Wolf running from you. Eventually, you'll have him cornered, but the situation suddenly escalates, as Lone Wolf has taken a Moogle hostage. If you try to approach, Lone Wolf will threaten to kill the Moogle. Some folks, unworthy of this walkthrough, will tell you that you can recruit Mog by trying to walk towards Lone Wolf over and over and over until you lose patience and spam message boards or something, but this is humbug. The trick here is to simply stand still at the spot you automatically back away to. After a while, the Moogle will be able to free itself, and in the struggle that ensues, both are thrown over a side of the cliff. Will you help the Moogle, or will you try to obtain the treasure you initially came for?

The treasure is a RelicGold Hairpin, a Relic that cuts your MP usage in half. It's a Relic I only find useful when playing a Low Level Game, as you will be able to cast spells you otherwise don't have the MP for. But in a normal game, the better (and morally superior) choice is helping the Moogle. This Moogle is an old acquaintance of yours, the leader of the gang of Moogles who helped Locke save Terra. To top that, he appears to be able to talk, something no other Moogle can do. Apparently was contacted by EsperRamuh at some point in time and was told to join your cause. So, he joins your cause, and runs off to your airship.

Mog is the unofficial mascot of this game, and everybody thinks he's bloody adorable. Myself, I just appreciate him as one of the strongest characters the game has to offer. Right now, his main power lies in his special ability, Dance, with which he summons awesome power from the very terrain around him and the animals that live there to put the hurt on your enemies. Let's go collect Dances for him!

Go to the Blackjack and change your party so that it includes Mog. You'll notice his level is very high: 5 levels higher, in fact. Equip him (you'll see he uses Lances, mostly) and head out to the open sky.
  1. Land in front of Narshe and fight some Leaf Bunnies on the grasslands to make him learn the Wind Rhapsody. Stride into the forest for the Forest Nocturne and enter the desert for the Desert Lullaby.

  2. Now, get back on the Blackjack and fly to South Figaro where you can climb Mt. Koltz. On the slopes, Mog will learn the Earth Blues (possibly the most universally useful Dance). If you didn't pick up the Twilight Requiem while protecting Terra earlier, you can head in one of the caves to learn it.

  3. Fly the Blackjack to Zozo and fight a battle there; the Love Serenade will be Mog's.

  4. The Dance that is the hardest to obtain, and the only actually missable Dance in the game, is the Water Harmony. There are currently two places where Mog can learn it: On the Lethe River and in the Serpent Trench, both of which will become inaccessible in the not-so-distant future. Both take you along a one-way route to a radically different place, so that's annoying. GBA players will be able to fight a single boss battle which takes place underwater where you can bring Mog to learn the Water Harmony. I suggest you learn the Dance now. The quickest way is to land in front of Baren Falls, and leap down the raging waters. Don't worry, there won't be any Opinicus Fish to worry about this time. Walk across the Veldt and enter Crescent Moutain. Jump in the Serpent Trench to re-appear in Nikeah. Grab a Chocobo in the local Stable (to the north) and ride the big bird all the way to Baren Falls again.

Now, you've gained 6 or 7 out of 8 Dances in very little time! That's more than Cyan can say; he probably has gained about one Bushido since you recruited him, lazy hobo that he is.

We've concluded Mog's training. Let's see if we can advance the plot now.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.