CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger

Final Fantasy VI Characters

Biographies by  laszlow
Statistics and Special Characteristics by  Djibriel



Vital Statistics

11 May
Magic Power
Magic Defense
Magic Evasion


Mog is a slam-dancing leader of a colony of Moogles residing in the Caves of Narshe. Mog and ten of his buddies assist Locke in defeating a team of Imperial soldiers early on, and Mog is recruitable after the Magitek Factory raid, after meeting Lone Wolf in the Narshe supply warehouse and following him to the end of the cliffs overlooking Narshe. Pick him up. Mog's better than some RelicGold Hairpin.

There's more! But you need to turn on spoilers to see it.


Mog can wield spears, daggers, light armor, and light shields. Mog's Magic and Speed are above-average, but everything else is on the low side. Mog is one of three characters that can equip the ArmorSnow Scarf, the mightiest armor in the game. Mog's unique skill, Dance, causes him to change a battle's setting (i.e. grassland vs. forest vs. desert) and perform attacks appropriate to each one (CoN Dance list link). Dancing makes Mog uncontrollable, similar to Gau using Rage. To learn a new Dance, Mog must survive a battle in the right terrain. Don't forget about Water Harmony, as it's a limited-time-only dance!

Special Skill: Dance

By using the Dance command, Mog can use the power of the terrain around him. There are eight Dances, each in correspondence with a type of terrain. To learn a Dance, Mog must have completed a battle fighting with a corresponding background. If he or Gogo himself changes the background (I'll get into that in a bit) he won't learn the Dance. He can be dead by the end of the battle, you can even drag his lifeless body through a battle. Doesn't matter, he'll learn the Dance. Maybe going face-down in the dirt gets him in touch with nature.

There are eight Dances, each with four "moves" with different odds of being randomly selected and with different results. In each list, the top move is pulled 7/16 of the time, followed by 6/16, 2/16, and the bottom only one in every sixteen turns (on average).

Wind Rhapsody (Grasslands and Plains)

  • Wind Slash: Multi-target Wind-elemental attack
  • Sunbath: Multi-target healing move
  • Plasma: Single-target Lightning-elemental attack
  • Cockatrice: Single-target barrier-piercing non-elemental attack that also sets Petrify. Misses if target is protected from one-hit KO attacks.

Forest Nocturne (Forests)

  • Leaf Swirl: Multi-target non-elemental attack
  • Forest Healing: Multi-target move that removes Dark, Poison, Petrify, Silence, Confuse, Sap, Sleep, Slow and Stop
  • Will O' The Wisp: Single-target Fire-elemental attack
  • Wombat: Single-target non-elemental barrier-piercing attack. Doesn't hit Floating targets

Desert Lullaby (Deserts)

  • Sandstorm: Multi-target Wind-elemental attack
  • Antlion: Single-target attack that sets KO, prevents final counters.
  • Wind Slash: Multi-target Wind-elemental attack
  • Meercat: Multi-target move that sets Haste on all characters

Love Serenade (Towns and Houses, Some Castles)

  • Will O' The Wisp: Single-target Fire-elemental attack
  • Apparition: Single-target attack that sets Confuse
  • Snare: Single-target attack that sets KO, prevents final counters
  • Tapir: Multi-target move that removes Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Doom, Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Sap, Sleep, Slow and Stop; also restores HP and MP back to full when the target has the Sleep status.

Earth Blues (Mt. Kolts, Floating Continent)

  • Rock Slide: Single-target non-elemental barrier-piercing attack
  • Sonic Boom: Single-target attack that deals (current HP * 0.625) damage. Also sets Sap
  • Sunbath: Multi-target healing move
  • Boar Brigade: Single-target non-elemental barrier-piercing attack. Doesn't hit Floating targets

Water Harmony (Serpent Trench, Lethe River, Leviathan Battle)

  • El Niño: Multi-target Water-elemental attack
  • Plasma: Single-target Lightning-elemental attack
  • Apparition: Single-target attack that sets Confuse
  • Raccoon: Multi-target healing attack, removes all status ailments.

Twilight Requiem (Caves)

  • Cave In: Single-target attack that deals (current HP * 0.75) damage. Also sets Sap
  • Snare: Single-target attack that sets KO, prevents final counters
  • Will O' The Wisp: Single-target Fire-elemental attack
  • Poisonous Frog: Single-target Poison-elemental attack, also sets Poison

Snowman Rondo (Snowy Areas)

  • Snowball: Single-target attack that deals (current HP * 0.5) damage. Also sets Sap
  • Avalanche: Multi-target Ice-elemental attack
  • Snare: Single-target attack that sets KO, prevents final counters
  • Arctic Hare: Multi-target healing move

Every battle is 'home terrain' to one Dance; you could learn the Dance in the battle, and when executing the Dance in this area Mog will never fail. If you try to use a Dance other than the one learned by the area, there's a 50% chance Mog will stumble, and that turn will be wasted. If you do manage to execute the Dance in alien surroundings, the background will change to accommodate the new Dance (if Water Harmony is successfully executed in the desert, the background will change to an underwater battlefield).

Desperation Attack: Moogle Rush




Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.