Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough
Written by Djibriel
2.42: Kefka's Tower
Party 1 (Garbage Slopes) |
6/16 |
1 |
1 |
1 | ||
5/16 |
4 | |
5/16 |
1 |
1 |
Party 1 (Garbage Caves) |
10/16 |
1 |
2 | ||
6/16 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Party 1 (Imperial Castle) |
10/16 |
2 | |
6/16 |
2 |
1 |
Party 1 (Facility Rooms) |
6/16 |
3 | |
5/16 |
3 | |
5/16 |
1 |
1 |
Enemies: Yojimbo, Dark Force, Muud Suud, Fiend Dragon, Mover, Cherry, Vector Lythos, Primeval Dragon, Landworm, Gamma, Great Malboro, Outsider, Demon Knight, Duel Armor, Great Behemoth, Vector Chimera, Fortis, Junk, InnoSent, Daedalus, Ahriman, Death Machine, Metal Hitman, Prometheus, Inferno, Rahu, Ketu, Gold Dragon, Skull Dragon
Lore: Doom,
1000 Needles,
Mighty Guard,
Revenge Blast,
White Wind,
Lv. 5 Death,
Lv. 4 Flare,
Lv. 3 Confuse,
Reflect ???,
Lv. ? Holy,
Bad Breath,
Party: Optional: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Relm, Strago, Setzer, Mog, Gau, Gogo, Umaro
Since Kefka's Tower is so incredibly large and sports such an incredible variety of monster formations, monsters and areas, I'm going to describe the monsters as you reach the room where they can be found.Let's get this baby cracking. Naturally, since you're in the final dungeon and all, you're probably assuming that these cretins are going to be very, very tough on you. This would be semi-right. They can be mean if you let them, but, as that went for quite a few other monsters out there, there's really nothing special to really worry about. If you've made it this far, I'm sure you're capable.
Vector Lythos like to attack physically (this includes !Bite, which is just a tad stronger than Battle) and use Fire Ball. They're weak to Ice-elemental attacks, like all lizards, but also to Water, so a

Great Malboro is spunky and nasty. These nasty plants attack with physicals only under normal circumstances. When hit by a Magic spell, they have a 1/3 chance of attacking with a !Infernal Kiss attack, which sets Death. When alone, they will use

Great Behemoths like to think of themselves as bigger, better versions of Behemoths, possibly because they are. They attack physically and with the

Yojimbos may very well be familiar faces to you as you could've brawled with them in the Colosseum. They're not quite as annoying in 'real life', but they come bloody close and that's bad enough. They attack physically, often two times every turn. Every fourth turn, a Wind Slash attack may make an appearance, sometimes even two in a row. The kicker, as always, is that it pulls a !Tradeoff attack out of thin air every time you kill it. The strategy to use here is the Imp status; set Imp and kill them. The Imp status will transform their physicals into automatic criticals, but it's worth it. They have the

Dark Force is generally hailed as the ultimate Lore resource, and for a good reason too. Dark Force uses all the Lores available to Strago except for

- First Turn -
Aqua Breath
- Second Turn -
Revenge Blast,
White Wind,
Lv. 5 Death
- Third Turn -
Lv. 4 Flare,
Lv. 3 Confuse,
Reflect ???
- Fourth Turn -
Lv. ? Holy,
Traveler, Launcher
- Fifth Turn -
Bad Breath, Imp Song
- Sixth Turn -
1000 Needles,
- Seventh Turn -
The two Lores that you are likely to not know at this stage are

Cherry is a tough opponent, and as she often appears with two Outsiders, things are looking even more grim. I'd say that any battle with a Cherry/double Outsider formation is more dangerous than most of the boss battles you have to engage in this dungeon. Cherry is difficult to describe, as what she basically does is throw powerful spells around in a manner loosely related to her current situation. Any time she is damaged, she may cast either

Outsiders are the most universally damaging opponents in this game. Not the most dangerous, mind you, as they are easily dispatched, but with inherent Haste, the ability to use the Throw command every turn, and a Throw counter to every non-fatal attack you perform, they're more than likely to sneak at least one blade down your throat. Every turn, they either Throw a ninja blade or a katana in this order:
When damaged by the Fight command, any Outsider will respond with a

Metal Hitman's sprite doesn't intimidate. And, with 2000 Hit Points, physical attacks and the

Junk is scrap metal with just enough self-conscience to explode when you come near. That's basically what they do; at the slightest hint of danger, they sacrifice themselves by using

Fortis attacks with Fire Ball, Snowball, and Missile. Fire Ball is entirely too weak to worry about, especially since most of your characters will either absorb or take reduced damage from the attack. Missile is annoying when it hits, but Snowball is what stands out, as it's unblockable and unlikely you have characters running around with

Where do these armors come from? Who makes them anymore? Who'd be demented enough to ride around in one to protect a guy like Kefka all day? Senseless as they may be, Duel Armors can be a real pain. They have the ability to cast

Now for some directions. You'll start out with Party #1, which is good enough. Walk down to come across two conveyor belts: the left one goes down, the right one goes up. If you attempt to go up a conveyor belt not going in your direction, you'll just be set back a tile. With the

Next room: More slopes, more conveyor belts. Enter the door with the flashing yellow triangle above it.
This is recognizable! It's a part of the former Imperial Palace. It seems Kefka formed his garbage fortress around the former seat of Emperor Gestahl. How deliciously ironic. You'll meet several new enemies here (Yojimbo, Dark Force, Demon Knight) and a chest containing the


When you leave the room, you'll be outside again. Not for long though, as you quickly dive back in a door. There's more Imperial design here (and more new enemies: Junk, Metal Hitman, Duel Armor, and Fortis), but you won't have the chance to recognize this. It seems you've been halted in your progress; you can see a switch on the other side, but there's nobody to press it. Let's wait this one out, gang. Switch to party #2!
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.