CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Chrono Trigger Characters

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Vital Statistics

Home Time Period
65,000,000 BC
Ayla: Image


Written by  Laszlow & footbigmike
Contributor / Former Staff Writer
Ayla is the scantily-clad chieftain of a village in 65,000,000 B.C. Strong and proud, it is Ayla’s responsibility to defend her tribesmen from the malicious Reptites, a race of sapient dinosaurs. Ayla encounters Crono and his team when they are searching for some Dreamstone and greatly respects Crono’s strength and appetite—no innuendo intended. However, the theft of Crono and Co.’s Gate Key results in Ayla teaming up with the group of time-traveling heroes to recover the key from the lair of the Reptites.

Ayla is perhaps the most physically powerful character in Chrono Trigger. Her Power, Stamina, HP, and Speed are all higher than Crono’s, and five of her eight technical attacks are physical attacks, four of them affecting single targets. However, her Magic, Magic Defense, and MP are all very low, although Magic is of little use to her skillset. Ayla uses no weapons, but her attack power is strongly affected by her Power and she is consistently as strong as or stronger than Crono or Robo. Her Techs are overwhelmingly physical, but exceptions include Charm, which has the exceptionally useful ability of stealing items from enemies, and Tail Spin, which deals non-elemental magic damage. Her Dual Techs and Triple Techs have reasonable variety, but Ayla’s role is to deal lots of damage and Charm items from enemies. Nevertheless, Ayla is one of the very best characters in the game at doing what she does.

More About Ayla



Caves of Narshe: Chrono Trigger
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.