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Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

2.27: Jidoor; Owzer's Mansion

Party: Optional: Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Gau, Umaro

To enter this dungeon, you must have done two things. You must've either saved Shadow at the Floating Continent or let Shadow die there and have saved Relm from the in the Cave on the Veldt. If you let Shadow die and haven't saved Relm yet, Owzer's Mansion will be empty, yet lit up, and the Rafflesia and Misty paintings (that you'll soon see) will not respond to your presence.

Uncontrollable characters are very poor in the boss battle at the end of this area, so I'd advise against Gau and Umaro. Also, due to the time delay, I'd add Mog to the category as well as neither his Dances nor his Jump attacks are very useful there. ArmorMinerva Bustier wearers are favored once again, and if you already have a character that can Steal, that'd be grand (although the chance is small). I'd go for something like Terra, Shadow, Celes, and Sabin, but it's up to you. Shadow is awesome in this dungeon; RelicEarring-boosted SkeanFlame Scrolls kill pretty much everything, and the boss is weak to Fire, too.

When you enter the house, it will be dark inside: no sign of Relm or Owzer to be seen. Obviously if you saved Shadow earlier you don't even know Relm is supposed to be here, but you'll never get more evidence than you have now. The game is a little tricky like that, isn't it?

When you try to ascend the stairs to go to where the art collection is held, a mysterious force will hold you back. Stay...away... Yeah, we're not going to listen to that. Once we're at the foot of the stairs again, a diary appears. Read it to work out the obvious - something's up, all right. At least we discovered how to get the room back to normal; just flip the switch on the stairway lamp and the room will light up, and you'll be able to proceed up the stairs. There are three paintings worth discussing here.

The first one is the painting of the pink flowers. When you examine them, they will come alive and attack you! Note that once you've completed this dungeon, the painting won't respond. It's a battle with three Rafflesia enemies, which are well known through their Rage; both the Rage and the AI Script of these flowers feature the Entice attack. Entice sets a Confuse-like status, with a few differences. This Rage is great, so have some details about it.
  1. First off, since it's not the Confuse status, you can't protect against it. Entice works on *everything* as long as it connects (Entice has a Hit Rate of 80, meaning that it'll have an 80% chance of connecting on a target with no Magic Block).
  2. Second, the character or monster affected won't show any indication of being under the influence. Monsters won't look the other way, and characters won't spin right round.
  3. Third, it's not dispelled when you use a physical attack.
  4. Fourth, the Entice spell creates a bond between the Entice caster and the target. If the 'caster' of the Entice attack dies, the affected target will turn back to normal. If the caster of the Entice spell tries to attack with Entice on another target, it'll miss as long as the other target is still alive. Due to a bug, when one caster casts the spell on the target of another caster, the original caster - while not really having a target anymore - won't be able to Entice another target until his 'stolen' target is dead.

Needless to say, Entice cripples every boss as it will completely disable their AI Script and they will start to attack themselves. Anyway, using Entice in a boss battle is just evil and sucks the fun out of the entire deal... so just don't use it. Or do. Lazy.

Back to Rafflesia. They're immune to every status ailment you throw at them, and can use Entice on the very first turn. What you'll want to do is go head-on with every kind of strong violence you have; they're specifically vulnerable to Fire-elemental attacks, so SkeanFlame Scrolls, EsperValigarmanda's Tri-Dazer, and OFira work very well. They have a rare ArmorNutkin Suit for Stealing, but as this battle is pretty dangerous you'll probably not want to risk it. Just hope that they'll stick to their Battle and !Poison Pod (sets Poison, oddly enough) attacks for the most part, and that characters hit by Entice will refrain from beating themselves up with any of their stronger attacks.

The second painting of interest is the painting that has replaced the Ultros painting in the WoB; it's the unwanted portrait of Emperor Gestahl that Owzer decided to buy and hang here. The 'last Imperial trooper' at the Colosseum told you to talk to the Emperor twice, so examine the portrait twice; the second time, you'll obtain the Rare Item "Emperor's Letter", which talks about mountains in the shape of a star. Could this refer to the grand treasure of the Empire, the ancient relic with restoration abilities? We should definitely inform Locke once we find him. Now's the time to press on, though.

The picture of the lovely lady comes alive as well... as two Misty opponents, unfortunately. Misty use their first turn to set a status ailment, with either the OSilence spell or the !Blinding Touch Special, which sets Dark. The second turn will feature either the OBlizzara or OThundara spells. When a Misty has been damaged, she may use a OCura spell on the character who attacked her. I'm pretty sure that the AI scriptwriter intended for Misty to use the OCura spell on herself but forgot that counter attacks are typically carried out on the attacker, regardless of the spell's initial targets. Mistys are nothing to fear. They have a rare ArmorMoogle Suit Steal. You'll notice this is a theme in this dungeon; most monsters have an animal suit Steal. Misty are, unlike most paintings, weak against Poison and not against Fire, so you can use OBio or strong attacks of other kinds to dispatch them.

Once you defeat the Mistys opponents, the painting will be entirely destroyed to reveal a door. Enter to find more darkness and a stairway going down.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.