CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy Tactics Walkthrough

Written by  Neal
Fanart Editor & Data Manager
Sand Rat Cellar
Move-Find Item Treasures
Common: Antidote
Rare: Linen Cuirass
Common: Potion
Rare: Bronze Helmet
Common: Eye Drop
Rare: Leather Outfit
Common: Hi-Potion
Rare: Feather Hat

6. Cellar of the Sand Rat

Enemies: Knight x3, Monk x2, Archer x1
Guest Characters: Delita, Algus
Geomancy Available: Carve Model, Demon Fire, Hell Ivy, Pitfall

After Dorter, this battle is a breath of fresh air. You have two squads to set up this time -- add a Chemist or someone that can heal to the squad with Ramza, and bring along a Wizard as well. The last character can be anyone you want. Making Ramza a Monk for this battle is handy, especially if you can get Wave Fist, which can hit characters from afar. However, another good strategy is to park two characters on opposite sides of the doors leading out from the building. When characters come out to investigate and attack, they’ll be hit from both sides and won’t let anyone else out. At Ramza and Delita’s side, there shouldn’t be much action save one Monk, and Ramza’s Wave Fist will take care of him while allowing Ramza to run away after hitting him.

Inside the Cellar, there’s some action brewing with the Marquis, Wiegraf, and Gustav. Gustav thinks that kidnapping the Marquis would prove a point to the nobles of Ivalice that they’re a force to be reckoned with, but Wiegraf says that that’s completely against the point of the Death Corps. A militant group will only cause more strife for them because then they’ll be targeted. Gustav refuses to listen, so Wiegraf kills him. Ramza, Delita, and Algus enter, and Wiegraf exchanges the Marquis’s life for his own safety. The Marquis is saved, and it’s time to return to Igros.

Prologue and Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Sidequests
Chapter Battles
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.