CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy Tactics Walkthrough

Written by  Neal
Fanart Editor & Data Manager
Windmill Shed
Move-Find Item Treasures
Common: Hi-Potion
Rare: Mage Masher
Common: Potion
Rare: Small Mantle
Common: Echo Grass
Rare: Leather Vest
Common: Phoenix Down
Rare: Linen Robe

After the battle, Delita and Ramza continue on towards Fort Zeakden, but in their way stands a windmill shed. Wiegraf is there, and he is furious with Golagros, one of his men, for kidnapping Teta. Golagros defends himself by saying that they couldn’t have escaped without a hostage, and Wiegraf responds that now that he’s safe, he can leave Teta behind as they make their way to Zeakden. A report then arrives that Miluda has been killed, and he swears vengeance on those approaching.

9. Windmill Shed

Enemies: Wiegraf (White Knight), Boco (Chocobo), Monk x2, Knight x1
Guest Characters: Delita
Geomancy Available: Carve Model, Gusty Wind, Hell Ivy, Kamaitachi, Local Quake, Pitfall

This battle can be extremely difficult or extremely easy, depending on your luck. Delita will be in danger early because he’s very angry and ready to get Teta back, but this means he’ll rush forward and instantly be in trouble. If he survives and blocks some of the attacks, then you’re in good shape. At this stage, Monks and Knights are your best bets for hitting Wiegraf, but it’s likely you’ll need to hit him from the side or the back because he has good evade. A Wizard will help out immensely, and you’ll definitely need two or more people with Item as a secondary skill and with Phoenix Down learned because one of Wiegraf’s skills has a chance of killing in one hit. Don’t bother with any of the other enemies, except perhaps for Boco, who has high move and can hit a lot of people. Otherwise, focus on Wiegraf but don’t be too rash. Discretion is the better part of valor.

Wiegraf will teleport away from the battle and Delita and Ramza enter the windmill. Teta is gone, as Golagros has taken her with him. Delita wonders when they’ll finally get her back and they move onward to Fort Zeakden.

Prologue and Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Sidequests
Chapter Battles
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.