CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger

Final Fantasy Tactics Walkthrough

Written by  Neal
Fanart Editor & Data Manager
Doguola Pass
Move-Find Item Treasures
Common: Phoenix Down
Rare: Windslash Bow
Common: Ether
Rare: Diamond Sword
Common: Maiden's Kiss
Rare: Gold Staff
Common: Remedy
Rare: Wizard Rod

The next target is Zeltennia Castle, where Ramza wants to meet with Orlandu, also known as Thunder God Cid. Balbanes, Ramza’s father, often said that Orlandu was one of the only people he could trust, so it was natural for Ramza to seek him out.

34. Doguola Pass

Enemies: Lancer x2, Wizard x2, Knight x1, Archer x1
Guest Characters: None
Geomancy Available: Hell Ivy, Local Quake

This battle shouldn’t be too difficult. Bring along a Summoner and hit the large group of enemies on the lower plane, then finish them off with your support characters. At this point in the game you should know which characters are the ones you want to bring into battles and what’s the most effective way to dispose of enemies. In this battle, you’ll want to take out the Lancers first, then the Wizards, then the Knight, and finally the Archer. However, if you want to send a couple characters along the top to take out the Wizard and Archer, have them follow up by supporting your other characters, attacking the enemies from behind.

Prologue and Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Sidequests
Chapter Battles
Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.