CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy I Walkthrough

Edited by  Rangers51
CoN Webmaster
Written by  Neal
Fanart Editor & Data Manager

21. Flying High

When you enter the Tower of Mirage, you can see your next exit off to your left. However, head towards the center of this room and start picking up treasure chests. You’ll find a OHealing Helm, a OVorpal Sword, OAegis Shield, Tent, and 24960 gil. After you’ve gotten all your loot, head to the staircase near the entrance and go up.

This next room is pretty straightforward. Circle around the outside until you’re on the west wall, then make your way inwards into the large treasure room. Inside, you’ll find the rest of the loot for the Tower of Mirage, the OThor's Hammer, Cottage, ODragon Mail, OSunblade, and a whopping 58985 gil. Exit on the right side of the treasure room and follow the path around to a robot and a staircase. Take the stairs, and step on the teleportation pad in the small room to warp to the Flying Fortress.

Immediately, head to the south room and grab the OVenom Blade from a treasure chest. Then, go back to the middle and take the west path. Grab the 21950 gil and the Potion from the chests, then take the east path. Grab the OProtect Ring, OHealing Helm, and the 11900 gil, and take the north path to the next floor.

The next area has eight paths, and you start off on the north path. Make your way to the center, and, ignoring the south path, get all the treasure from the rest of the paths. In all, you’ll find ODiamond Gloves, ODiamond Shield, ORibbon, OBlack Robe, OWhite Robe, Cottage, OMythril Helm, 13880 gil, and the very important Adamantite. After you’ve gotten all this, take the south path and go to the next floor.

Head north of the arrival spot and get the OProtect Ring, Potion, and 14450 gil. Then, take the west path and get the Gold Needle, OSasuke, and 7550 gil. Then, take the eastern path and get the Gold Needle, OShirt, OProtect Cloak, and 24035 gil. Then, head back to the west path and take the teleporter to the next floor.

The next floor is sort of confusing. There’s a teleporter around there somewhere. If you travel south two intersections and east two intersections, you should find it. If not, just search around, and you should come across it shortly.

The next floor holds the toughest enemy in FF1, Warmech. Fortunately, he’s a random encounter and the odds are against fighting him. If you don’t want to fight, just head north to Tiamat. Otherwise, wander around forever.

Magic Defense
Special Attacks
Lightning Poison Gas Snow Storm Flame
Petrify Poison 
Earth Ice Bolt Fire 
Flying Fortress

Tiamat can be pretty tough. Start off by casting ONulBolt on the party. Black Wizards should be casting OFlare every turn, your attackers should be attacking, and your other wizards should be healing. Definitely cast OHaste on your attackers so they get more hits. There’s not too much strategy to it after ONulBolt, though OShld2 is helpful.

After the battle, return to any town you like that has an inn and heal and save.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy I
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.