CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough

Edited by  Tiddles
Site Developer

1.18: Kalm

Written by  Elena99
Former Writer & Fanfiction Editor
Enemies: Kalm Fang, Prowler, Devil Ride, Custom Sweeper (Enemy Skill: ★Matra Magic)

Head North-East to Kalm. You can go to the Inn right away, or explore and do some shopping.

In the third door, from the right of the Inn, you can go into the house to the back where there's a winding staircase. Go all the way up, and get the δPeacemaker from the treasure chest. Take the other stairs in that house and you can find a δGuard Source in the bureau next to the little girl. In the second door, on the second floor, you can find an δEther hidden in another bureau. In the first door, you can find another δEther in a closet by the staircase. If you head to the house on the far right, there is a small door on the side of the wall next to the staircase. Inside this door, you can find a δEther.

When you're ready, go to the Inn, head upstairs and get ready for some backstory. After the long flashback is over, don't forget to grab a rare δMegalixir in the bureau upstairs in the Inn. It says that you can't reach it, but keep trying, and eventually Cloud will kick the chest and get the item.

Once you have control, walk around and talk to Sephiroth and the two men in blue. Walk around town, and be sure to visit Cloud's Mother in one of the houses. Be sure to go into Tifa's house as well, which is next door. In Tifa's room, you can get Orthopedic Underwear from the cabinet with the three boxes on it. You can also read the letter on the desk, and play the piano.

Head to the Inn, and talk to Zangan, then the Innkeeper. Talk to Sephiroth, then sleep.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VII
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.