CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough

Edited by  Tiddles
Site Developer

1.25: Parade for President Rufus

Written by  Elena99
Former Writer & Fanfiction Editor

A Soldier thinks that you're just late to change your clothes, so follow him into the locker room and play along. He'll teach you how to do stances, which is important for later on. Click on the second to last locker to change your clothes, then learn how to march. Find a save point down and to the opposite direction that the soldiers left in, and follow them after saving.

You're treated to an FMV view of Junnon, then find out you're late to get to the parade. One of the soldiers suggests a short-cut, so just follow what they instruct. You can't go into shops at this point; you'll get a chance later.

You're trying to sneak into the parade, now. Just go into the back, and try not to mess up the order. If you do it well, the ratings will go up, and you'll get a gift.

After, you see Heidegger and the newly appointed President Rufus. They chat, Heidegger is visibly peeved, and then when it's just the soldiers, there is talk of a man in a black cape.

You're taken back to the original locker room and are told that you need to send Rufus off at the dock. You also get taught some new moves to remember. It's not that hard to do, however; the man in red cries out the button to push. Just make sure that you can remember your left from your right, and you're set.

Save, and then you're free to go back into the town.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VII
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.