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Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough

Edited by  Tiddles
Site Developer

1.42: The Temple of the Ancients

Written by  Elena99
Former Writer & Fanfiction Editor
Enemies: (Grasslands, beach and forest) Dual Horn, Tonadu, Slaps
Enemies: (Temple) Doorbull, Under Lizard, Kelzmelzer, Toxic Frog (Enemy Skill: ★Frog Song), Ancient Dragon, 8 eye, Red Dragon, Demon Gate, Jemnezmy

Go back to the Tiny Bronco, and look in your map as you head down. You see that cluster of small islands? Head there. They allow you to navigate in shallow water to a larger clump of earth, to the right, where you can land. The Temple of the Ancients is in that forest.

When you step into the gateway, Aeris does a full prostration bow and confirms that it is the correct place. Walk into the temple, and you see that Tseng is there and has been injured. He talks to you, and suggests that he actually helped Aeris leave Shinra at some point. Tseng gives you the Keystone, tells you to put it on the altar, then walks away, propping himself up against a column.

Put the keystone on the altar, and then you sink through the floor and end up in a large, elaborate maze. Head forward, left, forward, then take the right stairwell going down. Go in that little doorway, turn right, and climb down the vines. You can head right under the stairwell and open a chest to get a δTrident. Take the stairwell down from the chest and climb up the vine. Take the stairwell up that's beside the entryway; you can't go in the entryway yet.

Up the stairwell, you almost catch up to that little creature, and you get a δMind Source. Go into the cavern he snuck into, then talk to him. He is one of the spirit bodies of the Ancients, and Aeris can communicate with him. He can allow you to rest, and sell you items. Also, in the chest there's a δSilver Rifle.

Head back down the vines, then go through that first archway (from behind) and get a δTurbo Ether. Head down the stairs, in another archway, then down again and through another archway, down to the end of the path and down the vines. In the chest there is a δRocket Punch. Head down, and before you follow the spirit, climb up the tall vines to get the pink OLuck Plus materia, on the other side of the stairwell. Go back up the stairs, through the arch, and into the entryway to the left, then down, then left again.

This time you have to dodge rocks as they roll down, and there's a trick to it. You need to make sure you're under the arch as it passes by, or else it'll carry you. Turn up the first chance you get.

You can collect a OMorph materia here, then continue. Notice that there was a green flash; a seal was broken. At the end, it'll flash again and the rocks will stop coming. Aeris starts to run back; follow her to the pool.

You see a flashback. Tseng and Elena are talking, and then she leaves, telling him to be careful. He asks her to dinner afterwards, showing that he doesn't think himself to be in danger. However, Sephiroth shows up.

When you're done, head to the end again and this time a spirit is there, to let you rest and save, if you wish. Head down from him, and you meet the Time Guardian.

In each room, there is either a chest, enemies, or another path. You can control the hands of time by spinning, and then walking on them to the appropriate room. If you make a mistake, go back into the room, then out again. Make sure that you do XII (the top one) last , and the bottom one, VI, should be second last. All the others can be done in any order:

I takes you to a chest with enemies Jemnezmy and Toxic Frog. II takes you to a dead end. III takes you to to a chest with enemy 8 eye. IIII takes you to a chest with the δPrincess Guard. V takes you back out to a maze, to a chest that contains a δRibbon. VII takes you to a chest with δTrumpet Shell. VIII takes you to a chest with a δMegalixir. IX takes you to a dead end. X is where you entered from originally, and takes you to rest and save. XI takes you to a dead end.

If you mess up and get knocked over by the second hand, you fall and end up in a room with a chest. Before you can move, though, you fight Ancient Dragon. In the chest is a δNail Bat. Remember that door from earlier that glowed green when you tried to enter it? You end up there, and need to go all the way back around.

The bottom room, VI, takes you to a little puzzle game to get a key. You need to follow the spirit through the caverns and 'tag' him. You need to figure out the layout of the caverns, and go in where he should come out. Keep in mind that he could easily go in one level and come out another. It's a little random, sometimes, just keep trying until you get it. Also, you can get a δWork Glove in that chest on the bottom.

When you finally get him, he unlocks the door and you can rest/save through him. Once you go in that door, you're at the room with the murals. Keep walking along, and Sephiroth talks to you, though cryptically. Note what's on the murals. Sephiroth leaves after a moment, and Cloud becomes pseudo-possesed and is clearly unaware of what's going on. He gets a hold of himself soon, and then you fight a boss.

Red Dragon
Red Dragon Breath, Tail, Bite
Strong Against
Weak Against
Win Item
Enemy Skill
Temple of the Ancients
Immune to Status
Sleep, Return, Confusion, Silence, Transform, Stop, Berserk, Stone, Slowly Stone, Manipulate, Death
Summons do well on him, except for any of the fire-based ones, such as OIfrit. Also avoid any OFire spells, and use the OIce ones instead. The Enemy Skill ★Trine does fine as well, if you have it.

Once you're done, pick up the bouncing OBahamut materia, and you'll want to equip it right away as you have another boss fight coming up soon. First, though, head right to the altar and examine it. Select to leave it, then have Aeris ask.

Cait Sith soon calls with a solution. Let him handle it. Head to the far left, out, and let the spirit heal you. Then head straight up out the XII exit. Head for the door, and then you fight:

Demon Gate
Rock Drop, Cave In, Demon Crush
Strong Against
Weak Against
 Poison  Gravity
Win Item
Enemy Skill
Temple of the Ancients
Immune to Status
Sleep, Return, Confusion, Silence, Transform, Stop, Berserk, Paralysis, Stone, Slowly Stone, Manipulate, Death
This boss is harder than the last, so be on your guard. Heal often, and make sure your characters don't stay down for long if they faint. Definitely use OBahamut, and your other summons except for OShiva, OIfrit and ORamuh (they don't do so much damage). If you have ODeathblow on Cloud, that works well too. Every once in a while, he does a major attack called Demons Rush that takes a lot of HP from the whole party.

Afterwards, Cait Sith comes out and it's time to say goodbye. He's very good-natured about the whole thing, and even gives you fortunes again. If you have Tifa and Aeris, you see an amusing scenario. Cait Sith then goes in, and begins the work of solving the puzzles.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VII
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.