CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Chrono Trigger Walkthrough

Written by  Neal & footbigmike
Fanart Editor & Data Manager / Former Staff Writer

3. The Queen is Gone

Enemies: Naga ette, Diablos, Gnasher, Hench, Mad Bat, Poly
Treasures: Revive, Tonic x3, 100G, Ether x2, Speed Belt, Defender, ArmorMaidenSuit, Naga-Ette Bromide, BladeSteelSaber, Power Tab, Heal, Shelter, SwordIron Sword, Mid Ether

As you leave the castle, you're approached by a tired-out Lucca. Lucca explains that Marle is actually Princess Nadia of Guardia back in your time, and because she has been transported back in time, the real Queen Leene was not saved in the past. As Marle is descended from Queen Leene, she no longer exists in the future. Lucca then decides that they have to rescue the real Queen Leene to set everything straight.

Think back to what everyone's told you. The Chancellor said that the queen was in a sealed room, and people have said that he goes to the Cathedral everyday. Toma mentioned that the Cathedral was where the Queen disappeared. Sensing a pattern? That's right: your next destination is the Cathedral.

Before you go to the Cathedral, you may want to return to the Market and buy Lucca appropriate equipment.

When you walk into the Cathedral, nothing has changed. However, if you talk to the nun next to the organ, a little blue sparkle will appear in the middle of the room. Examine it and you'll discover it to be the Queen's missing Coral Pin. She's here! The nuns are gathering, and will all turn into Naga ettes. After you defeat them, Lucca will let her guard down, and another will appear and attack her. A frog will jump down from the ceiling and kill it. He'll introduce himself as Frog (wow!), and you'll have the opportunity to ask him to come along. Do it. After that, check the organ and you'll enter the cathedral dungeon.

You may come across a room filled with a Hench, a Naga ette, and a Diablos. Don't worry - they won't attack you. In fact, they think that you're monsters in disguise. Talk to them and they'll mention Yakra, who you heard about in the castle. The Diablos will leave, saying he has to check up on Magus' statue. Follow him. You'll come to a room with the King and the Queen, along with a soldier. They explain that they like it in the cathedral and that Yakra is very nice. Exit to the right, where you'll find two treasures but have to face 2 Naga ettes and 3 Diablos. After you defeat them, the King, Queen, and Soldier will also reveal themselves to be enemies, and you'll fight them.

On the opposite side of this area is a room with three treasure chests. Get them (equipping Lucca with the ArmorMaidenSuit) and then examine the drawer. You'll get a (yuck) Naga-Ette Bromide, but not without a fight. Three Hench enemies also desire this scandalous serpent, and you'll have to fight them to bring it home with you.

Also on this side is a door surrounded by spikes. Hit the skull switch to lower them, then go inside to learn more about the cathedral and the queen's whereabouts. Be sure to grab the Power Tab from the pot as well.

Moving onto the next section will give you an opportunity to save your game. Going into the northern room is blocked by spikes, so, as you remember from the previous section, you need to find a skull switch. The one you are looking for is in the right-middle section (the left-middle skull switch only creates more Mad Bats for you to fight). As soon as you hit that, return to the originally-blocked room and fight three Hench enemies and two Diablos. These should be cake by now, so hit the organ to open the way forward, grab the treasure, and head to the northernmost door that has now been opened.

Fight or avoid the enemies in this final hallway, then save your game. Definitely use a Shelter, because you're about to fight a boss.

Magic Power
Lightning Def.
Shadow Def.
Water Def.
Fire Def.
Tech Points
Middle Ages / Cathedral
Enemy Techs
Enemy Counters
Iron Orb Strike
Yakra Shake
Yakra Crazy Drive
Whatever the Chancellor's true form is, it's a menace and can be difficult to defeat. The Chancellor reverts to this potato-bug-like enemy and can damage all of your party members at once or attack them individually, sometimes hitting for 50 HP damage. Heal with Frog's Slurp technique or Tonics when characters get below 60 HP. Attacking with X Strike and Flame Toss is a good method of defeating him.

Afterwards, the queen has been saved and you're invited to return to the castle. The chest on the right contains a Mid Ether, and the chest on the left contains the real Chancellor. Open it to free him (or don't!), then go talk to the Queen to return to the castle.

Frog is ashamed that he couldn't protect the Queen and leaves. Before you go and talk to him, return to the Queen's chambers to get Marle back. Because Leene is now safe, Marle exists in the future and has returned. Afterwards, everything about her lineage will be explained and out in the open, and you'll be able to return to Truce.

Before you can leave the Castle, though, Frog is waiting. He leaves on a note that Crono is a good swordsman. You're now free to return to Truce Canyon and back to the Time Gate. Lucca will whip out something called a "Gate Key" that will allow your party to access these portals and travel back and forth through time. This particular portal allows you travel between the Millennial Fair in 1,000 AD and Truce Canyon in 600 AD. Return to the Millennial Fair.

Caves of Narshe: Chrono Trigger
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.