CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Chrono Trigger Walkthrough

Written by  Neal & footbigmike
Fanart Editor & Data Manager / Former Staff Writer

32. Preparing for Lavos

Enemies: None
Treasures: See Below

Before you fight Lavos, there are a ton of things you can do.

1. Rename characters at Laruba Village. Return there anytime after the Blackbird falls and talk to the Nu, who will allow you to change your lead character's name. On the first visit, he'll give you the SilverRock.

2. Get the Gold Rock at Denadoro Mountains. Put Frog in the lead of your party and return to one of the screens where the Free Lancer hurls rocks at you. Let Frog get hit and he'll catch it, and it turns out to be the Gold Rock.

3. Get clones and poyozo dolls of all your characters. By returning to Norstein Bekkler's lab, you can get clones and Poyozo Dolls of all your characters depending on who is in the lead of your party.

4. Get the best equipment in the game. The best armor in the game consists of the ArmorPrismDress, ArmorMoon Armor, ArmorNova Armor, ArmorZodiacCape, ArmorRuby Armor, ArmorGloom Cape, and ArmorTaban Suit. The best helmets include the HelmetPrism Helms, HelmetSafe Helm, HelmetGloom Helm, and HelmetVigil Hat (available at Fiona's Shrine). The only one among these not discussed is the ArmorRuby Armor, which can be bought at the Ioka Trading Hut for 10 of each of the items.

5. Get all Dual and Triple Techs. Hopefully you've maxed out your techs by now (excluding Magus...he might take a little while longer). While it isn't important, it is fun to get all the Dual and Triple Techs in the game.

6. Return to Medina and see the effects. Peace has finally been achieved, and they're planning on building a ferry between it and Truce. The items here are cheaper than anywhere else!

From here on, all the paths available will converge at the final battle. There are three ways available: Through the Black Omen, through the gate in the bucket at the End of Time, and via Epoch. Any of these will lead eventually to the same place, and this walkthrough will begin with the Black Omen.

Caves of Narshe: Chrono Trigger
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.