CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Chrono Trigger Walkthrough

Written by  Neal & footbigmike
Fanart Editor & Data Manager / Former Staff Writer

15. Forward to the Past

Enemies: Cave Ape, Shist/Pahoehoe, Avian Rex
Treasures: Mid Ether, Mid Tonic, ArmorMeso Mail

You'll awaken in Ayla's hut after a strange dream, but Magus is nowhere to be found. Kino will come in and talk to you, but another caveman will rush in and tell him that the north wood is burning. Exit to the world map and save your game, then head to the northern woods to check it out.

Upon entering the Laruba Ruins, you'll learn that the Reptites have kidnapped Kino and burnt the village down. Move north to watch Ayla talking with the Laruba Chief, who grants her permission to get a Dactyl and fly to the Tyrano Lair. Ayla will leave, so move on to the Dactyl's Nest, which is north of the hunting range.

Before you go, grab some new items from the Trading Post. You can use one each of all the new weapons.

The Dactyl's Nest is the dungeon prior to the big one in prehistory, the Tyrano Lair. The enemies here are almost all the same as those in the Tyrano Lair, so consider this a warm up. Follow the path (there are no side trails), picking up the chests as you go along. Depending on who you're using, you should give the ArmorMeso Mail to Robo or Frog. Eventually, you'll meet up with Ayla, who will call you some Dactyls and you can fly to the Tyrano Lair.

Caves of Narshe: Chrono Trigger
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.