CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
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Chrono Trigger Walkthrough

Written by  Neal & footbigmike
Fanart Editor & Data Manager / Former Staff Writer

11. The Rare Red Rock

Enemies: Reptite, Kilwala, Runner
Treasures: See Below

The Old Man at the End of Time will inform you that Dreamstone is a mineral and that you should check in Prehistoric times. Of your available pillars of light, only one sends you far back in time, so choose the one that sends you back 65 million years to Mystic Mountain.

Upon entering, you'll fall down a cliff and be ambushed by Reptites. Fight off the group of five and you'll be attacked by eight more, but fortunately a strange woman comes along and fights off four of them, leaving you to deal with the other four. After the fight, the woman will come back and introduce herself as Ayla. After introductions and confusion, she'll invite you to the village of Ioka. Pick up the Berserker in the chest, then head through the screen full of enemies and you'll be out on the world map.

The southeast Ioka Hut has a woman who can restore your health. The hut to the northeast is a trading hut, but you can't trade without permission from the Chief of the village. Head to the Chief's Hut and speak to Ayla once you've explored to your heart's content. She'll then take you to a party at the meeting place! You can do a lot of things here, so dance and eat until Ayla is alone. She'll explain to you the situation of the two tribes - Ioka and Laruba. The leader of the Reptites, Azala, is trying to destroy both tribes.

Talking to Ayla again will start up a contest for the ownership of Ayla's Dreamstone. Press B rapidly and you'll probably get the dreamstone on your first shot - it's not very difficult.

You'll wake up the next morning with footprints all around you, and the Gate Key will be missing. Without the Gate Key, you're stuck with no way out of the prehistoric era. Go to Ayla's hut, wake her up, and she'll come with you to take on the Reptites, who have most likely taken the Key.

Caves of Narshe: Chrono Trigger
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.