CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy IFinal Fantasy IVFinal Fantasy VFinal Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy IXFinal Fantasy TacticsChrono Trigger

Final Fantasy IV Walkthrough

Written by  Sabin

27. You'll Soon Hate Doors

Enemies: HugeNaga, Screamer, WereBat, VampLady, Mantcore, Yellow D, TrapDoor, Evilwall
Treasures: Bestiary, OEther1, OHiPotion, OLife, StarVeil, MuteBell, SwordLight, ShurikenFuma, OElixir, KatanaKotetsu, HelmetNinja, OEther2, OX-Potion

This won't be a picnic, I can assure you. Are you strong enough? Do you have enough healing supplies? Are you equipped to your fullest? These are questions you need to answer before you enter. Because in the cave, only the strong survive, and that's not hyperbole. When you're ready, make your way in.

Using the ONecklace, the seal breaks. Find the rope and climb down it. The dwarves were obviously very concerned about who entered the cave. Not only did they seal it, but they also left quite a few surprises in store to hinder the path of whoever entered. One of said surprises is that virtually every door transforms into a monster.

Hit %
Magic Atk.
Evade %
Mag. Def.
Mag. Ev. %
Stolen/Dropped Items
Dropped Item %
Added Attack Properties
Status Immunities
Elemental Absorb
It's a bit unfair to call this a boss considering you'll be meeting up with this beast several more times. But the strategy is simple: kill him before he kills you. TrapDoor has one move. He uses Target to find a target, his next move will be a one-shot kill. That's all he does. As long as you have plenty of OLifes, you'll be golden. Your best one-two punch will come with Kain using Jump and Rydia following with OBio. The others are all going to either use their normal attacks or use a OLife when needed. TrapDoor also has a rude surprise for you. Sometimes he'll transform into a different enemy. If you defeat the enemy, then TrapDoor will be gone as well.

The first door you see only leads to a pair of treasures, though granted that one of the treasures you'll obtain is a stronger weapon for Edge. Head out and then to the left and up the rope. You'll have to battle another TrapDoor before moving on. You'll come to a U-shaped corridor with two doors and an outlet on the other side of the U. It'd be extremely wise to bypass both of these doors as they both lead nowhere. So, unless you need the experience, don't pick a fight with either TrapDoor. Just grab the treasures and move on. Slide down the rope in the next area to get a treasure. Go back up the rope and across the bridge to the right. As you go up, you'll see a complete array of doors, all of them ready to attack you. The only way to know what leads to what is trial and error... or you can keep reading and I can tell you (I assume you'll take the latter).

The second room from the right leads to a treasure chest which holds a much more powerful sword for Cecil. The third room from the right leads to three treasure chests. The second to last room (second from the left) leads to a save point. Of all the doors, this one may be the most worth it. The last room is also pretty good, containing treasure chests that have some useful equipment for Edge. Go down to find the door that leads to the next area. Defeat the TrapDoor and continue on. Go around the rock to the next room. In the next room, you'll see a door. Bypass it, as it leads to an empty room. Grab the pair of treasures, then head to the exit that's at the bottom of the room. As you cross the bridge you notice a rope going down and a door. The door leads to nothing, so get the chest that's next to it and head down the rope. If you go to the right, you'll meet up with a TrapDoor. Inside the room is a pair of treasure chests, however not important treasure. To the right is the next area to go to. And you don't have to face a TrapDoor to get there. It brings you to another save point. Rest up, because you're going to need it for what's coming up next. Save your game and move on. Go around the circular path until you get to the next doorway. In the next room, head right up the bridge and battle the TrapDoor. After your encounter with the TrapDoor, I would highly suggest you run back to the save point to save it so you don't have to face it again if you perish against the upcoming boss.

Head inside the next room, and you'll find yourself in a crystal room. Step up to the altar and grab it to return to the Dwarven Kingdom for its protection. Exit the crystal room. Just when you think that you'd be able to get the crystal without any confrontation, the next trap presents itself. Those dwarves certainly didn't want anyone getting at this crystal, did they? What with the magic seal, the maze of TrapDoors, and now the doom-bringer known as...

Hit %
Magic Atk.
Evade %
Mag. Def.
Mag. Ev. %
Stolen/Dropped Items
Dropped Item %
Added Attack Properties
Status Immunities
Elemental Absorb
This is the second-toughest battle in the entire game (the absolute toughest still to come). It might even be the most difficult, depending on your circumstances. In fact, if you're an avid RPG-er, you will probably know that this has been stated as one of the toughest battles in any console RPG. Ever. Are you scared yet?

The name of the game in this battle is speed. And this battle will test how fast your fingers can fly. Enough with the jibber-jabber and more with the strategy, right? Right.

The strategy is simple: inflict as much damage as possible before "time runs out". EvilWall has a unique array of attacks, but there really is only one that matters at all. He has a pretty powerful normal attack as well as a move that causes gradual petrifaction. But as the battle goes on, EvilWall inches closer and closer to you. When he gets to a certain point, he'll forego the foreplay and kill you one by one with his end-all move, Crush, and that's what I mean when I say "time runs out". Unless you get really lucky, if EvilWall starts using Crush, you will not win this fight.

So, inflict as much damage as you can as fast as you can. Easier said than done, but here's how it breaks down: Cecil will use his normal sword attack. Kain will Jump. Have Edge throw whatever he can. If he has nothing to chuck, have him use his normal attack. Rydia is the x-factor in this fight. OBio and OTitan are going to be the most powerful attacks you can lay into him. Rosa has a hard time fitting into this fight. Her physical attack is far from helpful, she has no offensive magic, and healing is generally useless for this fight. However, if you have her leveled up far enough, she'll be able to cast OHaste on individual characters. Also, casting OBersk on Cecil may prove to be helpful. Her very first move, however, should be to cast OSlow on the wall. Or, if you have a Silk Web, now's the time to use one. Of course, if EvilWall actually has a player in a weak stance from his physical attacks, recover his/her HP. Sometimes the difference between a win and a loss is having a character to come up when they can't do anything useful. In this case, you might think about resorting to knocking out Rosa in a battle before taking on the EvilWall so she doesn't come up. That's a bit extreme, but just may be the difference-maker. It is of the utmost importance to keep Kain and Rydia alive. If they get crushed, bring them back immediately. Jump and OBio are going to be the most crucial attacks down the home stretch.

You may need to do this more than once. I know I had to. The way you'll defeat EvilWall is all in how fast you mash buttons, and a little bit of luck on your side. Good luck!

After you defeat him, it's quite alright to bask in the glow of a victory over a tough opponent like EvilWall. Nothing left to do here, so make your way back through the cave. Unfortunately, Rosa's OExit is ineffective, but Rydia's OWarp will take you most of the way. You have to pass through the last level on foot. It looks like you'll be successful in getting the last dark crystal to the dwarven kingdom until you reach the exit.

Of course, you should by now be aware that Final Fantasy IV doesn't play your game. So you're about to hit some more bad luck.

What else can you do now except go alert the king of the bad news. Hop in the airship and to the castle. Giott tells you the only chance you have of stopping them now is for the Lunar Whale legend to come true. He relays the same legend that Cecil was told in Mysidia. He tells you to hurry to Mysidia and talk with the Elder. The problem exists that the entrance to the over world was sealed. And since the Tower of Babil has become impenetrable, that's out of the question as well.

What's the name of the game, guys? Teamwork. You'll be on your way again quite soon. To continue the story, head for Mysidia; otherwise, there are two optional dungeons down here. The first is the Cave of Summons, a cave to the north of the Sealed Cave. We'll head there first, but you can also hit the Sylvan Cave, or just continue back to the land of sunshine and Red Wings.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy IV
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.